Apex Legends
Apex Legends latest news, updates, patch notes and guides about the EA and Respawn Entertainment battle royale game. Coverage includes changes to the game, leaks, skins and explanatory articles, while also touching on big picture issues in the Apex Legends community.
Apex Legends Developers Reveal Potential Changes to Ranked
New Apex Legends Arena Map Overflow Revealed
Apex Legends Multi-Platform Cross Progression Explained
Apex Legends Developers Share Strong Words for July 4 Hackers
Everything We Know About 'Seer' in Apex Legends
Apex Legends Animator Explains Wattson's Unusual Weapon Etiquette
More News
Respawn Fixes Game-Wide Apex Legends Hack That Left Players Seeing 'Save Titanfall'
How to Fix to Apex Legends High CPU Bug
Apex Legends Arena Mode Weapons Tier List July 2021
Apex Legends Data Miner Reveals an Unreleased Legend
Apex Legends Arena Mode Legends Tier List July 2021
Respawn Plans on Nerfing Wattson
Apex Legends Heirloom Sets: Full List July 2021
Apex Legends has added another legend to its list of those blessed with Heirloom sets.
Respawn Devs Replies to 'SaveApexRanked' Hashtag
Respawn entertainment developer Ryan K. Rigney responded to a tweet from Twitch streamer sweetdreams.
Best Landing Spots for the Apex Legends Genesis Event: King's Canyon and World's Edge
Here are the best landing spots in Kings Canyon and World's Edge during the Apex Legends Genesis Collection Event.
Can Your Apex Legends Account Transfer from Xbox to PC?
Apex Legends account transfers from Xbox to PC is a popular topic among players. Read more about if this game has cross-progression.
Apex Legends' Horizon has Plans Behind the Scenes, Devs say
Apex Legends developers have changes planned for Horizon, according to Josh Medina, a producer for Respawn Entertainment.
Apex Legends Developers Exploring a Potential Wattson Buff
A potential buff for Wattson in Apex Legends is in the works, Respawn Entertainment Lead Game Designer Daniel Klein confirmed Thursday.
Apex Legends Fan Has a Fix to Make Shield Swaps Easier
One of the most unique gameplay aspects that has long made Apex Legends stand out in its genre is shield swapping. In the heat of the moment, it cannot be overs
Future Apex Legends Characters May Have 'Useless' Abilities in Arenas
Respawn Entertainment plans to continue balancing around the battle royale, to the point of releasing Legends whose abilities don't apply to Arenas.
Apex Legends Bug Breaks Revenant Ultimate Ability, Causes Malfunction
A known Apex Legends bug has been severely impacting Revenant team players and their ability to use the Legend's ultimate.
Valkyrie's Sexuality in Apex Legends is Public Knowledge
Valkyrie is confirmed to be canonically lesbian in Apex Legends as revealed by Respawn Entertainment.
Apex Legends Legends Tier List June 2021
Apex Legends' Legends tier list hasn't shifted much since May. Respawn has plans for some significant Legend changes, but most of them have not taken fruit yet.
Timthetatman Ranks Battle Royales: How Did Apex Legends Rank?
Famous Twitch Streamer Timthetatman gives his take on ranking all of the battle royale games on a tier list. Here is how Timthetatman ended up placing Apex.