God of War
God of War Ragnarok coverage including news, updates, spoilers, guides and more.

How to Open the Nornir Rune Chest in The Crater: God of War Ragnarök
How to Open the Nornir Rune Chest in Eastern Barri Woods: God of War Ragnarök
How to Open the Nornir Rune Chest in Myrkr Tunnels: God of War Ragnarök
How to Open the Nornir Rune Chest in the Oarsmen: God of War Ragnarök
How to Open the Nornir Rune Chest in Raider Hideout: God of War Ragnarök
How to Open the Nornir Rune Chest in The Forge: God of War Ragnarök
More News
How Many Bosses are in God of War Ragnarök?
How to Open the Nornir Rune Chest in Shores of Nine: God of War Ragnarök
Where to Find Odin's Raven in Cliffside Ruins in God of War Ragnarök
Where to Find Odin's Raven in The Veiled Passage in God of War Ragnarök
How to Open the Nornir Rune Chest in Goddess Falls: God of War Ragnarök
How to Defeat The Nidhogg in God of War Ragnarök
Where to Find Odin's Raven in The Applecore: God of War Ragnarök
Here's a breakdown of where to find one of Odin's ravens in The Applecore in God of War Ragnarök.
Where to Find Odin's Raven in The Strond: God of War Ragnarök
Here's a breakdown of where to find one of Odin's ravens in The Strond in God of War Ragnarök.
Where to Find Odin's Raven in Jarnsmida Pitmines: God of War Ragnarök
Here's a breakdown of where to find one of Odin's ravens in the Jarnsmida Pitmines in God of War Ragnarök.
How to Reach the Final Door in The Applecore: God of War Ragnarök
The search for Tyr in God of War Ragnarök leads Kratos and Atreus to The Applecore mine, but the final door is out of reach.
Where to Find Odin's Raven in Aurvangar Wetlands: God of War Ragnarök
Tips on where to find Odin's Raven in Aurvangar Wetlands in the game God of War Ragnarok
Where to Find Odin's Raven in the Temple of Light: God of War Ragnarök
As part of The Eyes of Odin quest in God of War Ragnarök, players will need to find and destroy a number of ravens. Here's where to find the two ravens in the Temple of Light.
Where to Find Odin's Raven in the Canyons in God of War Ragnarök
How to Open the First Nornir Rune Chest in The Strond: God of War Ragnarök
Where to Find Odin's Raven in Radsvinn’s Rig: God of War Ragnarök
How to Open the Nornir Rune Chest in The Below: God of War Ragnarök
Where to Find Odin's Raven in The Watchtower: God of War Ragnarök
Where to Find Odin's Raven in Nidavellir: God of War Ragnarök
How to Open the Nornir Rune Chest in Temple of Light: God of War Ragnarök
Scattered around the many realms in God of War Ragnarök are Nornir Chests. Here's how to open up the rune chest in the Temple of Light.
How to Open the Nornir Rune Chest in Jarnsmida Pitmines: God of War Ragnarök
Scattered around the many realms in God of War Ragnarök are Nornir Chests. Here's how to open up the rune chest in the Jarnsmida Pitmines.
God of War Ragnarök Accessibility Settings: Full List
Here's a breakdown of all of the accessibility features in God of War Ragnarök.
Who Does Deborah Ann Woll Voice in God of War Ragnarök?
Deborah Ann Woll voices a new featured character in God of War Ragnarok.
How to Break the Crack on the Floor Outside the Shrine in God of War Ragnarök
Stumped on how to break the cracked floor outside the shrine in God of War Ragnarok? Don't worry, we've got the solution for you.
Can You Sell Artifacts in God of War Ragnarök?
God of War Ragnarök is filled with collectibles such as Artifacts that flesh out its world, but players are wondering if they can sell these items once they are found.