The Top 7 Most Expensive Skins in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

The skin economy of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is actually insane. Some skins go for a ridiculous amounts of money, amounts that could pay years of college tuition at many universities.
So what are the most ridiculous? YouTuber McSkillet compiled a top list of the most expensive skins in CS:GO and we've got the break down for you.
7. StatTrak M4A4 Howl: $26,000
The M4 is one of the more popular weapons in the game -- the standard rifle for Counter Terrorists.
The list starts off with this red and black skin stat tracking that has sold for over twenty six thousand dollars!
6. StatTrack Bayonet Crimson Web: $30,000
Are you noticing a pattern already? Here's a hint: people love getting their stats tracked.
Oh and the color red.
This bayonet -- which McSkillet says has only been opened twice to this date -- is marketed at thirty thousand dollars!
5. StatTrack AK-47 Case Hardened: $35,000
The Standard rifle for the T side enters this list with a shiny and very show-offish skin.
The ST AK Case Hardened, Minimal Wear edition, has been sold thirty five thousand dollars very recently! That's a lot of cash for a lot of shine.
4. Souvenir AWP Dragon Lore with Pro Stickers: $37,000
This beautiful skin for everybodies favorite gun has an edition that features stickers for FaZe clan and SK Gaming's in-game Leader Gabriel "FalleN" Toledo that was at market for $37,000.
McSkillet notes that while the value of the overall skin type is going down, this one is extremely rare.
3. StatTrack M9 Bayonet Crimson Web New: $45,000
No, this isn't the same knife as above.
This knife is even more rare for a few reasons.
The one that sold for over forty five thousand grand was a non duped, factory new knife. There are only two knives in the game -- like the above one -- that would sell this well.
2. StatTrack Karambit Crimson Web: $50,000
Red knives galore! Seriously...the CS:GO community and market loves them.
This edition of the Karambit -- factory new and the same color as its previous knife friends -- has one specific knife that a user was offered over $50,000 for.
1. Karambit Case Hardened Factory New: $100,000
This one is just....absolutely mind blowing.
The Case Hardened Karambit Factory New No. 1 float is valued, are you ready for this, over ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. You read all of those capital letters correctly. This one knife is one of the most expensive in game items you'll ever see.