5 Best Bot Lane Duos in League of Legends Patch 10.16b
By Isaac Ryu

The League of Legends Patch 10.16b is here and Caitlyn has been nerfed once again. Popular AD Carry champs like Caitlyn and Ashe have seen a lot of work done on their base stats and their kits but do not forget, they are not alone in the bot lane.
Here are the five best bot lane duos in League of Legends Patch 10.16b.
5 Best Bot Lane Duos in League of Legends Patch 10.16b
1. Miss Fortune & Leona
Miss Fortune is well known for her early game damage and paired with Leona's ability engage and initiate fights early, they make for a deadly pair. Both exert pressure during team fights and during phases of gaining priority for securing objectives. Both have lethal combos when paired together can wreak havoc at all stages of the game.
2. Caitlyn & Bard
Having a good Caitlyn as your backline is every League of Legends player's dream. Damage is the name of the game for the marksman and pairing her with Bard, a champ that can easily secure kills and freeze the enemy team. The two make for a deadly duo even though Bard begins to pick up steam after level six.
3. Aphelios & Nautilus
After seeing nerfs in League of Legends Patch 10.16, Nautilus still remains one of the best supports in the game. His ability to set up team fights in advantageous ways for his teammates is close to unrivaled and when paired with Aphelios, the two can do serious damage. Similarly to Nautilus, Aphelios was nerfed in a previous patch but that does not take away from his identity as a late-game menace, especially after purchasing Bloodthirster.
4. Kalista & Taric
Dealing with a Kalista is a difficult task due to her mobility and her relentless damage. However, she can be a squishy champ at times so pairing her with Taric, who is a support that offers great engages and shields, is a perfect combination. Taric allows Kalista to survive fights for much longer and also allows her to adapt an even more aggressive playstyle.
5. Senna & Nautilus
Senna originally was played as a support but she has begun to see more playing time as an AD Carry due to her sustain and her ability to secure gold without last hitting minions. Paired with Nautilus, the two are able to effectively establish an economical advantage over rival bot lanes which opens up more options earlier.