5 Best Bot Lane Duos in League of Legends Patch 10.6
By Blake Toman

The best bot lane duos in League of Legends Patch 10.6 will become important this week. With the end of another round of Clash and a new patch already on the way, here are the five best bot lane duos in League of Legends Patch 10.6.
10.6 Preview with the current changes. This is 95% done, but there may be a few more tweaks before it goes live.
— Mark Yetter (@MarkYetter) March 10, 2020
As always, we appreciate all of the feedback and try to take it all into account. pic.twitter.com/zwuY01wE32
5 Best Bot Lane Duos in League of Legends Patch 10.6
1. Kalista and Taric
Kalista has enjoyed a meteoric rise on the past series of patches and that doesn't change on Patch 10.6. The mobility she gets from Martial Poise (Passive) and Pierce (Q), combined with the burst damage she can do from Rend (E) multiple times in a fight, makes her difficult for most champions to deal with in lane and in late game team fights.
.....I'm not really joking about Taric and kalista combo from CN server #kalista #Taric pic.twitter.com/cq0chbDOZn
— Blah hiko (@hikodah) November 23, 2019
When combined with a Taric, Kalista becomes nearly unstoppable. Kalista can use Fate's Call (R) to send Taric at the opposing team with Taric's Cosmic Radiance (R) active and create the perfect engage. Taric's healing and shielding also enables Kalista, along with another hypercarry, to do damage in fights with impunity.
2. Miss Fortune and Leona
The dynamic duo has been a powerful bot lane since the start of Season 10 and are set to continue that dominance on Patch 10.6. Miss Fortune's kit makes her dominant in team fights around major objectives with Bullet Time (R) able to hit across multiple enemies while zoning out the enemy jungler and carries.
Miss Fortune's early game strength, when paired with the early all in potential of a Leona, is a lethal combination. Most opposing AD carries are forced to take cleanse against Leona, who can chain her Zenith Blade (E) root into a stun from Shield of Daybreak (Q) and a stun from Solar Flare (R), which is over three seconds of continuous crowd control.
3. Aphelios and Nautilus
Even though Aphelios will receive another round of nerfs on Patch 10.6, his ability to zone opponents away from objectives and follow up on his team's engages will be largely unaffected. While the decreased life steal of Severum (Passive) will hurt his laning phase, his late game damage potential will be largely unaffected, especially after he purchases Bloodthirster.
"Aphelios has conqueror, plus he has really, really big gun. And that sucks“
— LPL (@lplenglish) March 15, 2020
-@HystericsCasts, who's filling in for color, breaking down Aphelios plays. pic.twitter.com/cnUT3Ygyh5
When paired with a Nautilus, Aphelios is able to set up easy kills in lane with Gravitum (Passive) equipped. The chain crowd control Nautilus provides is unmatched, especially because two out of his three crowd control abilities are point and click stuns. The only real skillshot Nautilus needs to hit is Dredge Line (Q), which can be done by starting an all-in with Depth Charge (R).
4. Senna and Nautilus
The patented Flyquest duo lane is one of the best on Patch 10.6, mostly because of how effectively Senna can accumulate gold without last hitting minions. With Nautilus able to get the boost in gold for the early game, he can itemize effectively into Hextech Protobelt which only adds to his all in potential.
Senna's also just a great champion at all stages of the game, with incredible early sustain using Piercing Darkness (Q) and a great late game through her Absolution (Passive) scaling. Her gold efficiency also helps gives her a leg up on other champions like Caitlyn, Miss Fortune, and Aphelios, who take much longer to come online.
5. Kalista and Thresh
Kalista and Thresh have been a tried and true combination in bot lane for some time, but the return of Kalista to the meta brings the bot lane back to its former glory. Kalista can use Fate's Call (R) to throw Thresh into the enemy team, where he can use Death Sentence (Q), Flay (E), and The Box (R) to keep the enemy carries in range of his team.
Kalista and Thresh also are a strong duo lane with significant all in potential at level 2, with Thresh's Death Sentence and Flay giving Kalista enough time to stack her Rend (E) to do massive damage. At level 6, of course, they get even more kill pressure, which makes them ideal to pair with a jungler who can solo dragons at early levels.