5 Best Bot Lane Duos in League of Legends Patch 11.1

League of Legends Patch 11.1 is rolled out on Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021 ahead of the ranked season. The patch includes champion balances (buffs, nerfs, and updates), item changes, as well as new skins. The changes, along with the introduction of Rell, affect the best champions played in the bot lane.
5 Best Bot Lane Duos in League of Legends Patch 11.1
11.1 notes are out and it's live already in some places.
— David Turley (@RiotPhreak) January 6, 2021
I recorded a Patch Rundown!https://t.co/r6lPin1Gov
Here are the five best bot lane duos in Patch 11.1:
1. Jhin and Vel'koz
Despite being squishy pair, Jhin and Vel'koz both possess high damage and some form of CC in their kits. Vel'koz can spam Plasma Fission (Q) and Void Rift (W) to zone enemies away, damage them, and deny them minions. If the enemies try to get close, he can knock them up with his Tectonic Disruption (E) and Jhin can fire his Deadly Flourish (W) to further CC them. Jhin's auto-attack can also shred the enemies quickly. This duo is a living hell to face.
2. Samira and Rell/Nautilus/Maokai
Since her inception, Samira has been a fan favorite, being a quite mobile ADC. After a series of nerfs, she still finds herself being an S-tier ADC. Her only weakness is her lack of range. Once she goes in, it has to be a guaranteed kill. To achieve this, Samira needs to be paired with tanky supports with solid CC such as Rell, Nautilus, and Maokai. Once rooted or stunned, Samira is free to go all-in and unleash her Inferno Trigger (R) for multiple kills.
3. Vayne and Alistar
Alistar's kits are full of reliable CCs like knock-ups, stuns, and knock-backs. His Unbreakable Will (R) makes sure that he is unstoppable when he charges to his enemies. With multiple CCs, Vayne can just Tumble (Q) towards enemies and finish them off with Final Hour (R).
4. Miss Fortune and Seraphine
Seraphine has one of the longest range champions in the game. The best part is that her CCs deal massive damage as well. Paired with an S-tier ADC with massive AOE damage like Miss Fortune will result in guaranteed kills. Seraphine's Encore (R), when popped at the same time as Miss Fortune's Bullet Time (R) will make it impossible for enemies to run away from them. The only catch is to perfectly position these two squishy characters during team fights.
5. Jhin and Maokai
Maokai is listed as an S-tier top laner in Patch 11.1. Playing him as a support does not make him less effective in the lane. His Twisted Advance (W) and Nature's Grasp (R) provide solid root, giving Jhin plenty of time to execute the enemies. His Sapling Toss (E) prevents enemies who plan to ambush this pair from the bushes. With a support like Maokai, Jhin practically only needs his auto-attack to win the lane.