5 Best Bot Lane Duos in League of Legends Patch 12.17
By Daniel Mejia

League of Legends Patch 12.17 shook up the bot lane meta by providing both buffs and nerfs to many AD Carry and support champions. This left many players with just one question on their minds: Who are the best bot lane duos to be playing right now?
Here is our list of the five best bot lane duos to be taking into Summoner's Rift right now in Patch 12.17 of League of Legends.
5 Best Bot Lane Duos in League of Legends Patch 12.17
1. Miss Fortune & Blitzcrank
Miss Fortune is known for her high amounts of damage, especially during the early game. During laning phase, Miss Fortune can take control of the lane and give herself and her team an early lead. Pair this up with Blitzcrank, a tankier champion, and you've got a winning combination. Miss Fortune can poke the enemy in lane and when it's time to all in, Blitzcrank can keep the enemy still thanks to his crowd control to ensure the kill.
2. Caitlyn & Leona
Although Caitlyn is a great beginner champion to learn the ADC role, that doesn't mean that she's weak. With her high auto attack range and her early pressure, she can carry the game in a confident player's hands. Caitlyn shines brightest with capable support by her side and with Leona and her three stuns, kills are basically guaranteed. Having a tankier champion take damage while Caitlyn focuses on damage is key, making this pair a force to be reckoned with.
3. Jhin & Bard
The Jhin and Bard bot lane duo is so good because of two things: crowd control and damage. Bard's Q slows enemies when hit which is the perfect setup for Jhin's W, which is a skill shot that roots champions who have recently been hit by an ally. This strong combination is enough to secure kills and help snowball your lane to victory.
4. Tristana & Janna
Tristana is a great champion for whittling your enemies down before going all in and securing a kill. The problem with this is that jumping in, Tristana's specialty, might get her killed due to her rather low defense stats. Pairing this up with Janna, who can help heal Tristana while she goes in, can be an excellent way to play aggressively during the early game.
5. Ashe & Lux
Ashe and Lux paired together is a dangerous combination throughout the entirety of the game. Both champions excel at poking down their enemies and with Ashe's built-in slow with her auto attacks and Lux's snare, enemies will be helpless to fight against your crowd control. This combination gets even better when damage items have been built and a snare or a slow practically guarantees a free kill.