5 Best Bot Lane Duos in League of Legends patch 9.11

League of Legends Patch 9.11, along with the recent addition of Yuumi, has created a shift in the power level of bot lane duos. Yuumi has shown to be better than previously thought over the course of time and balance changes. With these new changes to the rift, here are the five best duos to send down to the bot lane.
5. Jinx and Thresh
This power duo has the ability to take over games if they go late or get multiple items onto Jinx. Thresh's ability to protect his carry while also providing large amount of kill potential in lane allows for late game carries like Jinx to accumulate an advantage and never give it up.
4. Ezreal and Lux
The combo of safety and long range poke potential that Ezreal and Lux provide to their team is useful both in and outside of laning. This bot lane creates advantage by pushing the enemy duo out of lane through chipping away at their health over time and ensuring that they are safe from an engage attempt.
3. Draven and Pyke
The kill potential that these two champions bring to the table when they are together in lane is unparalleled. Both champions posses massive amounts of damage output no matter the stage of the game. This is paired with Pyke's ability to engage quickly and effectively to create a lane in which no enemy would feel safe.
2. Sivir and Morgana
Sivir is well known for reaching the late game with an absurd amount of gold from creeps. She accomplishes that by being able to play extremely safe in and out of lane by using her abilities to clear and push waves of minions easily. Morgana pairs well with this strategy by protecting Sivir in lane with her Black Shield (E) and by being a powerful support to roam with.
1. Kaisa and Yuumi
Kaisa's ability to output extreme amounts of damage quickly and to protect herself with stealth and shields is bolstered by Yuumi's increase in adaptive force. Yuumi also makes up for Kaisa's lack of potential to reach targets by providing both the ability to slow or root enemies as well as the ability to speed Kaisa up so she can close in for the kill.
Cover image courtesy of Riot Games