5 Best Caldera Tips in Warzone Pacific Season 2

Caldera has been out in Warzone for quite some time, and despite whether or not you like or dislike the map, there's perhaps nothing more rewarding to accomplish in the game than getting a dub there.
Of course, the complaints about Caldera have been well-voiced since just about the start of the Warzone Pacific era, but at this point, players have still got it all figured out. As such, here are the top five best tips to use when on Caldera in Call of Duty: Warzone Pacific Season 2.
Recovered these Dogg Tags in battle. Anyone know whose they are? ? pic.twitter.com/FWFib4MlAL
— Call of Duty (@CallofDuty) March 18, 2022
The Five Best Tips to Win on Caldera
5. Land Out of the Circle and on a Bounty
Some common principles in any battle royale, ideally, you want to be landing outside of the circle to a place you know how to loot. With fewer players contesting you for positioning and loot, you'll have a much better chance of finding the essentials and saving your Gulag pass for later. Landing outside of the circle gives you a natural order to rotate to and lessens the likelihood of having a random threat pop up from behind. Of course, grabbing a bounty if you can off the bat is great as well as it essentially serves as a free UAV for one player.
4. Have a Meta Loadout Ready to Go
Warzone, of course, has always been about having the right custom guns. Loadout weapons are simply better than ground loot options altogether and are a necessity to have in order to be able to have a chance of winning late in the game. Whether its a weapon with the highest TTK, or something with low recoil, it's always important to stay up to date on the latest weapon meta and use something viable. Using the Overkill Perk to have a custom assault rifle and SMG is the most common way to go.
3. Buy UAVs
Given how hard it is to see most enemies in general on Caldera, with the amount of vegetation present in addition to everyone running silencers, buying UAVs is as important as its ever been in Warzone. Of course, buying and activating three UAVs at the same time allows you to have an Advanced UAV, showing the positions and directions of all players on the map.
2. Grab Ghost for in a Second Loadout
Having the Ghost Perk equipped in those later zones to stay off the minimap is essential. As such, after getting your loadout guns, your next goal should be to find a way to get Ghost in another loadout drop. Of course, the second loadout drop will overwrite your first class' perks, which is fine since you can pick up your Overkill guns again off the floor. Additionally, the following items are great to have late game: Gas Mask, Armor Satchel, Armor Box or Dead Silence.
1. Play Methodically in the Final Zone
Around the seventh to eighth circle is winning time. Reposition from cover to cover, allow your enemies to take fights, go for free kills and make sure that the final player is having to search for you so you can catch them off guard.
For more on Call of Duty, be sure to check out our other top five lists:
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Additionally, feel free to check out our timeline on the history of the Call of Duty franchise!