5 Best Champions to Climb With in League of Legends Season 11

There are some overpowered champions in each role who have the carry potential in ranked games in Season 11.
There are some overpowered champions in each role who have the carry potential in ranked games in Season 11. / via Twitter/LeagueOfLegends

League of Legends Season 11 started on Jan. 8, accompanied by the first patch of the year that came out on Jan. 6. Whether you are a seasoned climber or a newcomer to the game, the changes brought up in patches require players to keep up and constantly learn what's best in the game. Champion selection is no exception.

5 Best Champions to Climb With in League of Legends Season 11

Here are the champions in each role who have the carry potential in ranked games in Season 11:

1. Top Lane – Pantheon

Pantheon / Courtesy of Riot Games

Since his rework in Patch 10.25, Pantheon has been intended to be played in solo lane, rather than a Support. He also an S-tier champion in the top lane in the current patch. He receives buffs in multiple fronts of his kit and small nerf, such as his Shield Vault (W) is no longer blocking turret shot. His kit also works well with items such as Eclipse or Goredrinker.

2. Jungle – Kha-Zix

Kha'Zix / Courtesy of Riot Games

Kha'Zix's domination dates back to the launch of Patch 10.23. He is proven to be too difficult to challenge in the jungle. Duskblade of Drakhtarr and Eclipse work very well with his kit. Even after series of nerfs on Duskblade of Drakhtarr, the reset on his Camouflage after a takedown still causes terrors to the enemy team.

3. Mid Lane – Ekko

Ekko / Courtesy of Riot Games

Ekko received a buff in patch 10.25 related to his jungle clear. This makes him quite overpowered in the jungle. But at the same time, he is extremely strong in the mid lane too, especially when the jungler is supportive enough to feed him with jungle camps after 15 minutes of the game.

4. Bot Lane – Jhin

Jhin / Courtesy of Riot Games

Jhin is arguably the best AD Carry in the meta right now. Players may opt for lethality build or even go with Galeforce that empowers his crit. With items like The Collector or Infinity Edge in his inventory, Jhin deals massive damage thanks to his crit and lethality stack.

5. Support – Leona

Leona / Courtesy of Riot Games

Leona and Lulu are currently at the top of the list of best supports. But Leona is slightly easier to execute. While both champions will need to pay extra attention to timing, Leona can never be useless because she can act as a frontline with solid CCs in her kit. She may also build utility items that can empower her ADC partner.