5 Best Champions to Pair With Nilah in League of Legends

Nilah will be League of Legends' newest AD carry when she's released July 13, 2022. The new champion is a bottom lane player and should have a support champion by her side.
Nilah has a passive ability that allows her to deal damage and stay alive with the assistance of her lane partner. Here are the top 5 best champions to pair with Nilah.
5 Best Champions to Pair With Nilah
1. Janna
Janna is a great champion to pair with Nilah because she'll receive passive movement speed from being near Janna. That speed allows Nilah to dash back and forth to fight and support her teammate.
2. Nami
The water duo is the pair to have with its strengths in lane. Nami is a great champion to play alongside Nilah because she helps her stay alive while she is fast-moving and causes damage while fighting and using Tidecaller's Blessing.
3. Senna
Having Senna and Nilah as a bot lane duo creates a high-damage team. Combining their utility makes the duo strong, such as Nilah's Jubilant Veil and Senna's Curse of the Black Mist, both of which can help them dodge any aggression or incoming attacks.
4. Zilean
Combining the passives of these characters allows them to store experience and level up faster. This duo can secure any two-vs-two situation with their outpacing of bot lane opponents.
5. Rakan
Nilah's job is to cause damage and have team fights in a quick manner. Pairing Rakan with Nilah helps create space in the battlefield with Rakan's Grand Entrance.