5 Best Garen Skins in League of Legends

Garen might be the most recognizable League of Legends champion which explains his epic skin lineup. Naturally, he has a decent amount of skins under his belt to show this. Here are the five best Garen skins in League of Legends.
God King
This is the Garen skin. This skin comes with new voice lines, animations and sound effects that honestly are just leagues above the original Garen skins. Best skin, hands down.
Demacian Vice
This skin is so pretty. To the retro sound effects and neon visuals, it's actually a very good skin! For some reason though, it's a rare find to see anyone using it in game.
Steel Legion
This looks extremely good for rather older skin. The sword opening and closing on each swing looks fantastic, as do the derpy looking shoulder guards.
Warring Kingdoms
This skin is now locked away in the vault, which is a shame. The jade sword in this skin is very pretty, actually. That, and this is Garen's best splash art.
Default Garen
For some champions, you just can't be the classics. Garen's default skin is honestly on par with the rest of his others, with God King as an exception. It just goes to show how well designed he is from an artistic stand point.