5 Best Gragas Skins in League of Legends

Gragas has been on the rift for many years now. Unfortunately, he does not have the immense amount of skins that some other older champions do, but he does have some pretty great ones. Here are the five best Gragas skins.
5. Oktoberfest Gragas
Oktoberfest Gragas is a fun skin that emphasizes Gragas's character and spirit. Oktoberfest Gragas also has the benefit of being tied to a certain part of the year making it extra special.
4. Fnatic Gragas
Fnatic Gragas commemorates Fnatics victory at the World Championship all the way back in Season One. It is also the cheapest skin on the list being only 750 RP.
3. Gragas Caskbreaker
Gragas Caskbreaker is on the list due to the quality of the skin's creation. It is one of Gragas's newer skins and is more updated visually compared to some of the other skins.
2. Santa Gragas
Santa Gragas is one of Gragas's oldest skins and for that reason, alongside that, it is his only holiday themed skin, it ranks very highly on this list.
1. Arctic Ops Gragas
Arctic Ops Gragas is Gragas's newest skin so it is the most up-to-date graphically. The Arctic Ops skin line is also a very good one and has consistently put out top-tier skins.
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