5 Best Junglers in League of Legends Patch 11.15
By Ayrton Lauw

League of Legends Patch 11.15 is on the way and the jungle pool is going to have a lot of the same champions as patches prior. Nonetheless, these are the best champions to pick when playing jungle for the upcoming patch.
Full Preview for 11.15 here!
— Jeevun Sidhu (@JeevunSidhu) July 13, 2021
Continuing to drop early sustain in a few places, and some buffs for champions in places that we think players will enjoy. pic.twitter.com/m2I2LPTgX1
5 Best Junglers in League of Legends Patch 11.15
As with a lot of the champions in this patch, save for a few top lane picks, the jungle meta will remain the same. There may be a few tangents when it comes to what may be picked as a result of the latest buffs, however, it's likely that the pool will have the same champions.
1. Diana
There's a lot of strengths in Diana's kit that makes her one of the best picks to play in the jungle. She is only brought down a bit if the player gets shut down early, which makes her very hard to rely on at times. There are no buffs or nerfs for her in the upcoming patch, however, the high risk and high reward nature of Diana does pay off if played right.
2. Xin Zhao
Xin Zhao will retain his role as a disrupting front-line force in team fights while also providing a considerable amount of damage to the less healthy cast of teams. He will need to be shut down early on with an ability power champion that can keep him away to stop him from snowballing even further.
3. Nidalee
Although most of the junglers are remaining widely untouched as of the incoming patch, Nidalee is one that will be receiving buffs that will help her in the early stages of the game. She will have an increase on her base health points from 545 to 570 while her HP gained per level will go from 85 HP to 95 HP. She has been still a well-picked champion in higher ranks and this buff may just make her even more relevant to play.
4. Viego
The Ruined King has an incoming nerf to his laning, however, for jungling he remains relatively unchanged. He will remain the source for most engagements and will stay very strong, only second to that of Lee Sin when it comes to the jungle. Perhaps, it's suited he's one of the best due to the Sentinels of Light event that's going on for League of Legends right now.
5. Lee Sin
Lee Sin players can rejoice while his haters will remain mad as Lee Sin is still going to be the best jungle champion to play for this patch as well. There are little weaknesses in Lee Sin that can be exposed, but he makes it up for his strength in utility and by becoming a nuisance in the team fights. He's been dominant in the last couple of patches, similar to that of Sylas in the mid lane, and it's likely he won't be stopped any time soon.