5 Best Junglers in League of Legends Patch 9.13

There's a rumble the jungle in League of Legends Patch 9.13 (and it's not Rumble, unfortunately).
With a new patch, old and new faces will join into the typical jungle rotation, and some of the previous patches' best junglers are solidifying themselves at the top of the meta. As such, here are the five best junglers in League of Legends Patch 9.13.
5. Malphite
This is a bit of a bold prediction because Malphite hasn't seen play in the jungle for some time. But the changes to his Thunderclap ability seem to indicate that he'll have a much better time clearing jungle camps. He likely won't be the best jungler, as his early ganks will still be weak, but he'll have the option.
4. Sejuani
Sejuani will receive a minor damage nerf to Winter's Wrath in Patch 9.13, but it will mostly affect her late game. She still has solid clear speed, good ganks, and a lot of utility, given just how durable she is. We think you'll still be seeing a fair bit of Sejuani for the next few weeks.
3. Udyr
Udyr will get a pretty decent overhaul in Patch 9.13, including an additional level in all of his abilities and some improved scaling across the board. At the very least, these changes should help Udyr transition into the late game a little more smoothly, but we have high hopes for him.
2. Nunu & Willump
Nunu is not an easy champion to play, as his ganks require quite a bit of thinking ahead, but they are brutal. His E, Biggest Snowball Ever! is an incredibly potent ability throughout the entire game, but it's especially noteworthy because few champions have the mobility to escape it at levels 1 or 2. Absolute Zero is also a fantastic way to peel for your carries and end a teamfight quickly.
1. Rengar
Rengar has been rising steadily in popularity over the last few patches. He has everything that a jungler needs in terms of sustain, durability, and kill power, and we suspect that he'll find his home in the meta of Patch 9.13, as players pick up less mobile mid lane champions.
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