5 Best Mid Laners in League of Legends Patch 10.7
By Blake Toman
With the release of League of Legends Patch 10.7 set for Wedensday, here are the five best mid laners in League of Legends Patch 10.7.
The mid lane champion pool will not be heavily effected by League of Legends Patch 10.7, with only Corki, Galio, Akali, Talon, and Wukong set to receive minor changes. Corki, Galio, and Akali will be buffed and Talon and Wukong will each receive a slight nerf.
5 Best Mid Laners in League of Legends Patch 10.7
1. Diana
Since her rework at the start of Season 10, Diana has been one of the strongest champions in the mid lane and that isn't going to change on Patch 10.7. In fact, the recent rework of Wukong that has seen him dominate the mid lane has also seen Diana show up as one of the potential answers to the pick.
Her ability to inflict massive amounts of damage using her full ability combinations, along with the utility she gets through Conquerer, her itemization, and Moonfall (R), makes her a menace to deal with and one of the best mid lane champions on the latest patch.
2. Katarina
Katarina has managed to keep an impressive win rate over the past three patches, with her win rate on League of Legends Patch 10.6 hovering right around 53 percent. While the champion certainly has its strengths, like being able to apply the Grevious Wounds passive across half the enemy team using Death Lotus (R), it should be noted that Katarina is a very skill intensive champion that requires significant prowess in order to be effective.
That said, a talented Katarina player can easily change the outcome of a game, given Katarina's synergy with both the Dark Harvest and Conquerer runes and her late game mobility that allows her to easily eliminate an opposing AD carry or mid laner.
3. Wukong
When the Wukong rework went live in Patch 10.6, he became one of the highest win rate champions in the game, with exception strength in top lane, mid lane, and jungle. He currently has the second highest win rate of all mid lane champions at 55 percent.
Wukong is set to receive a set of nerfs on Patch 10.6, but the nerfs only slightly change the late game scaling on the armor Wukong gets through Stone Skin (Passive) by 2. In other words, the champion will remain essentially same in all stages of the game and still have the same great teamfighting and lane presence that made him a menace on Patch 10.6.
4. Kassadin
Kassadin has always been a powerful champion once he's able to reach two items and level 16. With the reduced cooldown on Riftwalk (R) and a large pool of mana, Kassadin can easily carry a game by jumping to the carries of the enemy team and eliminatng them with a single Riftwalk, Force Pulse (E), Nether Blade (W), and Null Sphere (Q) combination.
His mobility gives him the ability to constantly threaten out of position members of the enemy team and flank from over walls to catch his opponent by suprise. His one weakness is how long he takes to come online, which can be a significant obstacle when the opposing team has a strong mid game team composition that can threaten Dragon Soul, Rift Herald, or even a 20 minute Baron Nashor.
5. Cassiopeia
Cassiopeia is a strong control mage that is able to bully most of her lane opponents and absolutely dominate a game after three items. Her ability to set up a team fight through a well placed Miasma (W) and well timed Petrifying Gaze (R) is difficult for most other mid laners to match and she can follow up that engage with incredible amounts of damage from Twin Fangs (E) and Noxious Blast (Q).
The slows she's able to get from Rylai's Crystal Scepter, combined with the almost true damage she can deal with Liandry's Torment, make her incredibly difficult to deal with and a strong utility tool for her team.