5 Best Mid Laners in League of Legends Patch 11.12
By Ayrton Lauw

Patch 11.12 for League of Legends is approaching and mid laners have remained largely untouched. Those that are wondering what are the best mid laners to play with should not be surprised to see a lot of the same picks from last patch again.
11.12 preview with tentative changes.
— Mark Yetter (@MarkYetter) June 2, 2021
The team added a few more champs and is finalizing the tuning so a few things may still change. pic.twitter.com/ynMI9ajN0Q
5 Best Mid Laners in League of Legends Patch 11.12
The two mid lane picks that have been touched by the balance team are both Ziggs and Talon, being either buffed or nerfed respectively.
Ziggs will see a small buff to his Bouncing Bomb (Q) ability as its damage will go from 85-265 to 85-285, and his Mega Inferno Bomb (R) ultimate will have a higher missile speed from medium to long ranges from 1550 to 2250.
Talon is seeing a nerf for his Rake (W) ability on its damage as the initial damage will go from 45-105 with 55% base AD to 40-80 with 40% bonus AD, but its return damage will increase from 45-145 with 70% bonus AD to 50-170 with 80% base AD. Note that on the patch preview by Mark Yetter, he says that his Assassin's Path (E) ability would be the one that is buffed, however, it was a typo and instead would be for his Rake ability.
1. Katarina
There is little said about Katarina's viability in the mid lane as in professional play is unlikely to have the best mid laners play her. However, in solo queue, Katarina will be a solid pick at mid if players continue to maximize her abilities safely. As tanks start to reintroduce themselves in the meta, Katarina will have to heavily rely on early kills and close the game out early, which is not necessarily hard when she is very strong in those phases.
2. Zoe
Those who wish to be rewarded with aggressive play will be glad to know that Zoe is likely going to remain a relevant pick for this upcoming patch. She can provide some of the best utility in only one skill, Sleepy Trouble Bubble (E), while dishing out a lot of damage to those who fall victim to getting hit by the snooze button. Professional play has seen a lot of Zoe play for some time now, and it's hard to believe that Zoe will fall off in this patch as well.
3. Qiyana
Qiyana will also continue to shine in this patch as there is little to do against her when players begin to play aggressively. The reason for her strength relies on her kit, as her abilities can just simply clean up even the worst engages in which those kills are soon after converted into wins. Early game is whether others can decide if they can take advantage of her or not. But, if she is going to go all in on an engage, if she comes out on top, it only oppresses the other mid laner severely with little to play against after.
4. Lee Sin
As with the top and jungle lanes, Lee Sin's viability as a solo lane king is unfathomable. The ability to thrive in three different roles in the game makes him the definitive best character in the game at the moment, and it's unlikely that this will end anytime soon. There are also no changes to his kit, which only support his rise as arguably the best to pick in three out of the five lanes.
5. Sylas
Sylas was undeniably the best mid laner to choose from Patch 11.11. With zero changes to his kit in this upcoming patch, his tyranny of dominance in the mid lane is likely to continue leaving players flabbergasted on how to play against him. Sylas should be 100% pick or ban, as his kit is just too strong to not as him. There is no stopping him from crushing, players can only really hope to just contain him.