5 Best Supports in League of Legends Patch 10.7
By Blake Toman

With a new League of Legends patch set to hit live servers on April 1, here are the five best supports on League of Legends Patch 10.7.
10.7 Patch Preview with changes. Almost final, may see a few tweaks still.
— Mark Yetter (@MarkYetter) March 24, 2020
Talon was right on the line and with a bit more data we see that he's OP in our elite (diamond 2+) bracket. pic.twitter.com/pUxP9MzJwb
5 Best Supports in League of Legends Patch 10.7
1. Nami
Nami has emerged as the answer to the League of Legends support meta that was previously dominated by Leona, Nautilus, and Thresh. Her kit combines solid early game poke and healing with two disengage tools to keep her AD carry safe: Aqua Prison (Q) and Tidal Wave (R).
Mage and healing supports have traditionally been seen as the answer to tank and engage oriented supports, due to their ability to pressure tank supports early in lane and make the laning phase difficult to navigate. So Nami, along with other healing supports like Janna, Senna, and Sona, will be considered somewhat strong options on Patch 10.7.
2. Taric
Taric combines the utility of a healing support with the engage of a tank support if placed in the right composition or paired with the right AD carry. His somewhat tanky build allows him to still get a lot of value from Starlight's Touch while still being strong enough to search for a Dazzle (E) to stun his lane opponents and set up a good trade or gank.
You thought you can kill Kalista & Taric? ?? pic.twitter.com/Dxp2nMkiK9
— Nubels (@nubelsAD) March 14, 2020
The best part of Taric's kit, by far, is Cosmic Radiance (R), which can either help his team disengage from a bad fight or keep his carries alive as they dive onto the enemy team's back line. When paired with a champion like Kayle, Master Yi, Kai'Sa, or any other late game hyper carry, Cosmic Radiance can leave the enemy team with almost no response and can change the entire flow of the game.
3. Leona
Leona has been shown to be one of the strongest level 2 supports in the game, including an impressive display at the 2017 World Championship Semifinals when Misfits Gaming used it to get an early win over tournament favorite SK Telecom T1.
Most Iconic Plays at Worlds Bracket #Worlds2018
— lolesports (@lolesports) September 20, 2018
(3) Crown one shots Doublelift - 2016
(6) @IgNarLoL's Leona First Blood vs SKT - 2017 pic.twitter.com/7EKq6fxRAr
Her ability to lock down opponents using Zenith Blade (E), Shield of Daybreak (Q), and Solar Flare (R) is almost unparalleled and allows her to set up great ganks for her jungler and great roams for her mid laner. Although her late game team fighting is slightly mitigated by tenacity, she still has a fair bit of strength if she can get on top of an opposing carry.
4. Senna
Senna is an incredibly strong champion in the meta and can be played effectively as either a support or an AD carry. The built in healing from her kit, combined with her scaling passive, allows her to flourish in the early stages of the lane and bully the opposing laners using Piercing Darkness (Q).
when you Senna ult, miss, and accidentally kill the enemy top laner pic.twitter.com/eit3mvY1iS
— LEC (@LEC) January 28, 2020
She also has a fair bit of utility, with crowd control from Last Embrace (W) and mobility and escape from Curse of the Black Mist (E). Her cross map play potential with Dawning Shadow (R) gives her ability to influence lanes from across the map and keep her teammates relevant at all stages of the game.
5. Bard
Bard received a few nerfs when the Omnistone rune was at its peak earlier in Season 10, but Bard has managed to survive the blows and maintain an impressive 53 percent win rate. The problem with Bard's kit isn't healing or crowd control, which he has with Caretaker's Shrine (W) and Cosmic Binding (Q), but his potential synergy problems with his team.
Miss Fortune and Aphelios, two of the major AD carries in the current meta, can potentially run into problems with Bard if he mistimes the use of Tempered Fate. There are plenty of clips you can find on YouTube and Twitter of Bard players using their ultimate at the same time that Miss Fortune opens up her Bullet Time (R) or Kennen uses his Slicing Maelstrom (R). So that being said, communication is the key to maximizing Bard's kit.