5 Best Top Laners in League of Legends Patch 11.11

Patch 11.11 looms on the horizon, to get you ready for the new patch, here are five of the best top laners to climb solo queue in Patch 11.11.
Lee Sin
The Mid-Season Invitational brought about some interesting shifts in the meta, with the introduction of solo lane Lee Sin being one of the weirder ones. Weirdly enough, this pick can output a lot of burst damage, has very solid gank assist when his jungler comes, and can scale as the game goes on if you can find those crucial kicks.
While Lee's E was nerfed for Patch 11.11, I still think his wave clear and dueling prowess will remain strong, keeping Lee Sin as a different and fun pick to climb with. The better you get with learning how to find key targets with Lee's ultimate, the better of a Lee Sin player you become.
5 Best Top Laners in League of Legends Patch 11.11
Darius seems to always be good in solo queue, at least as of late. If he makes it through the ban phase, Darius is an excellent duelist and will more often than not win out early trades hard.
Darius has always been very straightforward and thrives in short team fights where he can pick people off with his Q, ultimate and reset with ease. Darius is a must to add to your champion pool if you are trying to climb through the top lane for Patch 11.11.
Sett has been one of the strongest champions to debut on the Rift, and its easy to see why. On release, Sett was able to flex into every role but ADC, and still remains a powerful top lane pick. Insane 2-v-1 potential, great dueling, solid pushing, scary in fights - what more could you want?
Sett is very likely the single strongest pick on this list, just harder to execute and play than Darius is. Despite this, Sett should be another must-add to your top lane champion pool.
The days of Urgot being a meme champion are long behind us, and he has stayed as a solid pick for quite some time.
As of recently, Urgot has been slowly creeping up as a great pick, and is one of the best solo queue top laners to check out for Patch 11.11. Unfortunately, Urgot has a few tough matchups, and is not as good of a general blind pick as Darius or Sett. Regardless, Urgot is lots of fun and packs a punch - most definitely worth adding to that top lane champ pool if you haven't already.
Gwen has been pretty strong since her release, and it's easy to see why. Nearly untouchable in the duel department (especially against tanks), surprisingly durable with her W active, and even cheeky Zhonya's plays when you combine the invulnerability active with her Q and ultimate.
Gwen has been tons of fun since her release, and she is well worth picking up to add to anyone's top lane arsenal.