5 Best Top Laners in League of Legends Patch 11.12
By Ayrton Lauw

League of Legends Patch 11.12 releases this Wednesday, June 9, with the notes dropping a day beforehand as per usual. The best top laners for this patch will remain relatively unchanged with bruisers and champions that can deal a lot of damage being the priority for another few weeks.
11.12 preview with tentative changes.
— Mark Yetter (@MarkYetter) June 2, 2021
The team added a few more champs and is finalizing the tuning so a few things may still change. pic.twitter.com/ynMI9ajN0Q
5 Best Top Laners in League of Legends Patch 11.12
With the Mid-Season Invitational just finishing its stint, a lot of the same top laners are still going to remain shining and a cut above the rest. Though there are some slight buffs to expand the roster of viable picks in the lane, however, it will relatively remain similar as the last patch.
1. Malphite
Malphite received a small buff to his Thunderclap (W) ability. The buff will increase the on-hit damage from 10-50 to 15-55, along with upgrading its armor from 10% to 15%. Though bruisers that can deal a lot more damage than him will still remain on top, this buff seeks to slowly make tanks not terrible picks.
2. Gwen
It took some time with Gwen, but she's now figured out by the community, and the results with taking the time to learn her have finally paid off. As with last patch, she is still relatively untouchable when trying to duel with her since her kit makes her very slippery to kill. If she gets ahead, it's very likely that she will continue the pain train that will follow soon after.
3. Wukong
Wukong received a slight nerf to his attack damage per level, from 4 to 3.5, and even to his Crushing Blow (Q) ability, in which his bonus attack damage ratio is cut from 50% to 40%. Though these nerfs do make his damage a little less frightening, the power of the Monkey King comes from his utility instead. There are no nerfs or buffs to any of those abilities, so expect Wukong to remain a viable pick for another patch.
4. Sett
Sett will be a terror to solo queue for this upcoming patch again, so players will need to be best prepared as if he gets ahead, it will likely be game over. There are no nerfs nor buffs to Sett as well, leaving him as a viable pick for this patch yet again. Though Sett is starting to get figured out by players in higher ranks, it will take a passive playstyle and enough utility to keep him at bay in order to stop the inevitable onslaught if he does manage to get a single kill.
5. Lee Sin
Everyone's favorite blind martial arts specialist will still remain the god in the top lane for a while. His viability in the top lane was unlocked during MSI with great success for teams that were able to pick him. With zero nerfs or buffs to Lee Sin, there is little reason to believe that this pick will fall off, especially now that the tanks and bruisers are starting to collide on which will be more viable.