5 Best Top Laners in League of Legends Patch 11.15
By Ayrton Lauw

League of Legends Patch 11.15 is hitting Summoner's Rift on Wednesday and although the buffs and nerfs are a bit tamer compared to the last couple of patches, the meta will remain relatively the same. However, these are the five picks that will stand above the rest and provide as a consistent force in the top lane.
Full Preview for 11.15 here!
— Jeevun Sidhu (@JeevunSidhu) July 13, 2021
Continuing to drop early sustain in a few places, and some buffs for champions in places that we think players will enjoy. pic.twitter.com/m2I2LPTgX1
5 Best Top Laners in League of Legends Patch 11.15
While Patch 11.15 does affect primarily champions this time around, there is one item that will be getting a buff that top laners can start thinking about prioritizing in their builds, Hullbreaker. The resists for the item will increase from 25-45 to 25-60, which may start a rush of top lane tank champions trying to split push away and secure objectives over the team fights.
1. Kennen
Kennen may not be as strong in the top lane as he once was, but a buff on him for the upcoming patch may have players picking up the furry ninja yet again. A buff to his Thundering Shuriken (Q) will have its damage increased from 75-235 with an added 75% ability power to 85-265 with an added 80% AP. Though it is but a slight buff to him, there could be a resurgence of Kennen players now that he has a bit more strength in it that also scales as it is a highly utilized ability for his kit.
2. Darius
Darius is going to remain as a foundation for the team if picked in the top lane. There are no changes to Darius for this patch as well, and although his win rate has been less-than-stellar compared to others, being a consistent tank that can single out a weak champion is very ideal in team fights.
3. Wukong
Out of all the champions that will take a nerf from these picks, Wukong will receive a slight nerf, however, it be counteracted with just a simple item. The only nerf he will be hit with is to his health points healed per five seconds, in which it will go from 4 HP to 2.5 HP per second. Not entirely a game-changer for Wukong, as it really only affects the first purchase in the game, in which players will have to just buy a Doran's Shield to make up for it.
4. Riven
Riven showed to be one of the stronger champions to play in the top lane in the last patch, and that trend will continue to the next. Yes, she is mechanically demanding. But going through the motion of effectively learning this champion will be the difference between winning the game with her or being irrelevant for the entire match. There is nothing that will affect her directly in this patch, so it's best to try and pick her up and start winning games.
5. Sett
Sett will remain as a very strong and solid top lane pick for the upcoming patch as he faces no adversity from the balance team. His damage and utility make him the Sylas of the top lane. He's just a pain to deal with and should be a priority when in the champion select for matches.