5 Best Viego Counters in League of Legends

Viego, also known as the Ruined King, showed up in the latest League of Legends cinematic "Ruination." In the video, he appeared to be a very powerful champion that even Lucian commented that he and Senna alone cannot face. After learning his abilities, there are a couple of champions that have a chance in challenging the 154th champion in the Rift.
5 Best Viego Counters in League of Legends
His reign is terror.
— League of Legends (@LeagueOfLegends) January 11, 2021
His love is eternal.
Learn more about Viego, The Ruined King, in his biography: https://t.co/mJWVAWKTEz pic.twitter.com/UL0yOWTMVk
1. Warwick
Warwick is among the A-tier jungler in patch 11.1. Utilizing Goredrinker and a couple of buffs in patch 10.25, he deals massive damage while healing a lot. Not to mention, his passive Eternal Hunger now has bonus ratio AD. This will force Viego to go for items such as Kraken Slayer, making him slightly squishier. If he opts for more sustainable items, he will not be able to keep up with Warwick's massive healing.
2. Kha'Zix
Kha'Zix has been sitting comfortably at the top of the list of best junglers for months now. The introduction of new Mythic items system only amplified his kits. Even after a series of nerfs to his itemization, he is still an S-tier jungler in patch 11.1. While Viego has Harrowed Path (E) to camouflage himself, Kha'Zix has Void Assault and Unseen Threat. If Viego is isolated and built full damage items, then Kha'Zix is no match for him.
3. Fiora
Fiora may not be the best top laner in the current patch. But she is labeled the Grand Duelist for a reason. She can mitigate Viego's Spectral Maw (W) with her Riposte (W), disabling Viego's attempt to cc her and further stunning him. Combined with all her other kits, she can easily execute Viego. Viego's best chance is to smartly utilize his Harrowed Path (E) to either engage or disengage with her.
4. Elise
After so many months being out of top jungle tier list, Elise is making a comeback to S-tier in patch 11.1. When facing Viego, especially in team fights, she can mitigate either his Heartbreaker (R), Blade of the Ruined King (Q), and Spectral Maw (W) with her Cocoon (E). Although she may not win against him in a duel, she may be more impactful in a team fight.
5. Lulu
While Lulu will not be able to face the Ruined King by herself, she can ruin Viego's plan to be impactful in a team fight. Viego's ultimate Heartbreaker (R) attacks the enemy champion in range with the lowest percent health and dealing bonus damage based on their missing health while knocking away other enemies in range. With Lulu around, she can use her Help, Pix! (E) to shield the champion with the lowest percent health or even Wild Growth (R) the said ally, and polymorph Viego with her Whimsy (W).