5 Best Warzone Streamers in March 2022

Here are the top five best Call of Duty: Warzone streamers in March 2022.
Here are the top five best Call of Duty: Warzone streamers in March 2022. / Image courtesy of Activision

As of March 2022, it's safe to say that Call of Duty: Warzone remains to be very much alive and well in terms of player count and revenue.

According to Twitch analytics from SullyGnome, Warzone also remains one of the best titles for content creators and professional players alike, charting as the 12th best category on the directory in both watch time and average viewers.

Of course, the concept of trying to make a list of the "best" Warzone streamers at any given time is impossible. However, this list will cover the top five most popular English-speaking Twitch streamers so far this month.

The Five Best Call of Duty: Warzone Streamers This Month

5. Symfuhny

A former Fortnite star who made the switch to Warzone, Symfuhny has continued to flourish while regularly teetering the line between god-like aim and straight-up "aimbot." According to SullyGnome, Sym has a watch time of 362,548 hours on Twitch while playing Warzone this month at the time of writing.

4. Aydan

Another content creator who dominated in Fortnite and transitioned seamlessly to the Warzone Twitch directory, NYSL Aydan is a YouTube video waiting to happen each team he drops onto the map. According to SullyGnome, Aydan has a watch time of 387,498 hours on Twitch while playing Warzone this month at the time of writing.

3. HusKerrs

One of the pro players who's earned plenty of prize money off of Warzone tournaments on short notice, it's no surprise that HusKerrs continues to lead the way for mouse and keyboard players in the title. According to SullyGnome, HusKerrs has a watch time of 440,756 hours on Twitch while playing Warzone this month at the time of writing.

2. TeeP

Outplaying opponents in Call of Duty for as long as anyone can remember, the competitive veteran continues to find great success in the battle royale as well. Exerting calm dominance over the map, TeeP makes every fight look easy. According to SullyGnome, OpTic TeeP has a watch time of 531,884 hours on Twitch while playing Warzone this month at the time of writing.

1. Swagg

Sitting at No. 1, perhaps to be expected, is FaZe Swagg. A longtime Call of Duty content creator who has consistently been on the Warzone grind since day one, Doozy remains one of, if not the most well-known name when it comes to this title. According to SullyGnome, FaZe Swagg has a watch time of 542,570 hours on Twitch while playing Warzone this month at the time of writing.

For more on Call of Duty, be sure to check out our other top five lists:

Additionally, feel free to check out our timeline on the history of the Call of Duty franchise!