5 Things We Don't Want in League of Legends Patch 11.14

League of Legends Patch 11.14 is set to release on July 7, coming with it some changes that may have players excited or may have players dreading the changes to come.
Ruination plunges the world into shadow. Will you find the light? pic.twitter.com/luxMq1Srnr
— League of Legends (@LeagueOfLegends) June 27, 2021
5 Things We Don't Want in League of Legends Patch 11.14.
Irelia feeling worse off
Irelia is slated to have the biggest changes on her kit since she was first reworked back in 2018. Interesting changes to her kit like her Defiant Dance (W) giving more resists and damage will be added, but controversial changes like the speed of her Bladesurge (Q) being lower than before will surely be difficult to get used to at first.
Interestingly, Ionian Fervour (Passive) has its stacks reduced to four, down one from five. This is likely because you will be getting off a lot less Q's than you normally would, making it harder to reach five.
Only until Irelia is released on the live servers, and after she settles in solo queue will we see the impact of this rework.
No shifts in power
Thankfully, the meta lately has been in a pretty good state in pretty much every role in terms of what champions you can play. In the past couple years or so of League, it seems Riot has been making a serious effort to try and make every champion viable in some way.
With that being said, there will always still be menaces of solo queue, so any shifts in power away from those champions are always welcome.
Zero news on Akshan
Patiently waiting for news on the next champion is something many can get by, but it would be sweet to have some kind of in-game teaser following the release of Sentinels event.
We don't know too much about Akshan at the moment, just that he ties in to the Senna + Lucian Shadow Isles plotline, and that he has some type of grappling hook of sorts based on his teased image.
Stagnant items
With the inclusion of Anathema's Chains and Hullbreaker, it's unlikely we will see any new items being added for Patch 11.14.
Regardless, meaningful changes to some of the existing items can prove to shake up the meta a nice bit, so it is up to Patch 11.14 to include some of those to change the pace of gameplay a bit.
Continued Ryze neglect
Ryze is in a weird spot. In his current state, it seems whenever he is even slightly overtuned, he becomes a powerhouse and high priority pick in competitive play. In solo queue, Ryze has always been a tough pick, but now he feels as worse off as ever.
Riot has a challenge on their hands with the current iteration of Ryze, and may be stubborn to give him another rework, as this iteration of Ryze is coming up on five years this July.
Only time will tell how Ryze will be handled in the future, we will have to wait and see!