5 Things We Don't Want in League of Legends Patch 11.15
By Ayrton Lauw

It's time for another patch for League of Legends, and Patch 11.15 will headline its newest addition to the roster, Akshan, to the game. However, even if the community is slowly fawning for the newest champion, there are some balancing changes that shouldn't be overlooked.
There hasn't been anything noted by Riot Games developers of what will be balanced as of yet, however, there are definitely a few glaring issues that are slowly harming the enjoyment and diversity of different picks.
1. An Overpowered Day One Champion Release
Akshan is the game's most anticipated champion release at the moment. As the cliché goes for a day one champion release, however, sometimes they can be overpowered and broken to the point they need to be banned. Even though there needs to be a wide interest for a champion, especially for the first day of release, it can be done so effectively as to not stray players away from picking them up in a game.
2. Sylas to Remain Powerful
Sylas is just too strong and needs to be stopped. Though there are no news of what will happen in terms of balancing champions, hopefully, developers have at least given it some thought and will implement some nerfs to Sylas.
3. Kai'Sa to be Irrelevant
Kai'Sa is a bot lane darling and since her fall from grace from patches prior she still has one of the highest pick rates in higher-ranked matches, but boasts one of the worst win rates. Yes, with enough buffs she will be extremely overpowered yet again, however, there should at least be some love for this champion as she provides one of the better experiences to play as an AD carry.
5 Things We Don't Want in League of Legends Patch 11.15
4. Shifting Back to the Tank Meta
Though the tanks are slowly fading away and bruisers are still on top, it's not hard to believe that there may be some changes to bring at least a few of the tanks back. That said, giving too much power to the tanks will drastically slow the game down unnecessarily, but a healthy balance of adjustments to bruisers and tanks to just hint at a tank meta would be better instead.
5. A Stale Mid Lane
The mid lane pool has remained a bit stagnant as of the last patch, with Sylas remaining supreme and even more assassins back into the fray. But there seems to be a void from all of the champions from even previous seasons that were equally rewarding and fun to play, like Ahri or Ryze. Hopefully, there are some buffs to some of the underpowered champions in this meta so the ecosystem of the mid lane can thrive just a bit better.