5 Things We Don't Want in League of Legends Patch 11.6
Here is a list of a few things that we don't want to see in Patch 11.6 of League of Legends. After seeing some unwanted buffs, and unnecessary nerfs, the five things we could do without in this next patch are the following:
1. Katarina Buffs
A few weeks ago, Riot Games made it easier for the Queen of Pentakills... to get pentakills. Katarina received a buff that raised some eyebrows, not just from a good portion of the community but even commentators and Katarina mains found it unnecessary, given that she is doing pretty well already. On behalf of support mains in particular, I beg Riot Games to consider not buffing her again this upcoming patch.
2. Seraphine Buff
She's a good support, and a good mid laner that is still on Riot's radar. In the Patch 11.5 notes, when describing the Seraphine nerf, "Seraphine’s still all over our radars and radios, so we’re softening the blow from the Notes coming from allies." While the developers figure out how to balance her, buffing does not seem like a viable option at the moment.
3. Azir Nerfs
While Azir may be strong in the late-game phase, he is a difficult mid-laner to master. On top of that, his laning phase is one of his biggest weaknesses. The recent changes to him may make it more difficult for non-competitive mid lane players to learn the mechanics behind Azir. It is worth noting that if he does not snowball, he is not that great of a mid laner, which is why I hope no more nerfs come to him.
4. Darius Buffs
This Noxian is doing great in the top lane already, it's safe to say that if anything a small nerf here and there could balance him. Coupled with the changes done to "juggernaut items," it is safe to say that he is in a good place and does not need any stat increased (or cooldown decreased.)
5. Support Items Nerfed
Because of how good the ability scaling of some support characters (such as Nami, Sona and Seraphine) can be, coupled with their healing, they are in an interesting position where they are playable as both mid lane mages and support champions. As Riot figures out how to best balance Seraphine, in particular, they might start looking into her core item build. Moonstone Renewer and Ardent Censer are extremely important to other support champions, which is why I don't wish them to be nerfed for the sake of one champion.
If you liked reading this list, here are five things we did not want in Patch 11.4 of League of Legends. Some of them did not happen, luckily, so hopefully Riot Games takes a look at this article as well.