5 Things We Want in League of Legends Patch 10.22

League of Legends Patch 10.22 will include the final new champion this year, balance changes, runes and items changes, along with new champion skins. Here are five things we cannot wait to see in the fourth-to-last patch of 2020.
With 10.22 we have a bundle of small champion adjustments coming:
— Mark Yetter (@MarkYetter) October 15, 2020
-Open up loved but unviable roles for Annie/Brand
-Slight modernizations for old spells for better feedback and usability
-Slight satisfaction increases with better visualized mechanics pic.twitter.com/o0AOR7xgBY
5 Things We Want in League of Legends Patch 10.22
1. New Champion: Seraphine, the Starry-Eyed Songstress
The Piltovan Pop Star will become the latest addition to the list of support mages. She has hit the PBE ahead of roll-out date of the patch. Her ability kit is equipped with heal, shield, charm, and "notes" passive which lets her stack her ability power. Aside of her powerful support kit, if players have her ultimate skin, there will be reactive music system based on how many allies are nearby which form different tracks.
2. Annie as a Viable Support Pick
Annie has not made it to meta picks for quite some time. Mostly played in the mid lane and occasionally as support, she was not only less preferred compared to other control mages mid laners such as Syndra and Orianna, but also less effective support with her lack of support kits. In Patch 10.22, Riot Games has enabled her Molten Shield (E) ability to be casted to her allies.
3. Brand's Buffs
Even though he is known to be played in the mid lane and jungle, Brand is famous for his team fight advantages as opposed to his lane domination. In most cases, he is a viable support pick too. The upcoming buff will allow his Conflagration (E) to spread to nearby enemies which makes it easier for him to land a stun with his Sear (Q). His ultimate Pyroclasm (R) can now bounce to Brand himself.
4. Viktor Comes Back to Mid Lane
The long-forgotten machine herald receives a massive buff ranging from his evolution upgrade, mana cost, slow effect, and AP ratios. Viktor as all about evolving as quick as possible to hit his power spike sooner than later. Even though it's currently too early to tell how the Hexcore removal will effect Viktor in the future meta, but his plethora of buffs and the bonus +10% permanent AP is certainly going to create a stronger mid laner compared to his current form.
5. New Champion Skins: K/DA All/Out
K/DA skins have been one of the popular sets around. The upcoming release of new skins is another reason for fans to be excited about. Ahri, Akali, Evelynn and Kai'sa will be joined by Seraphine to get new looks based off of the All/Out extended play (EP) album.