5 Things We Want in League of Legends Patch 10.6
By Blake Toman

League of Legends Patch 10.6 is up next and fans are hoping for some much needed changes.
Although League of Legends Patch 10.5 was released just last week, here are the five things we want to see in League of Legends Patch 10.6.
5 Things We Want in League of Legends Patch 10.6
1. Get Supports Out of Top Lane
Since the beginning of Season 10, supports have been dominating the top lane. Sona had the best win rate out of all top laners for three consecutive patches and Soraka was a top tier pick in competitive play. On Patch 10.5, Soraka and Sona have been swapped for Janna, which now has a 53 percent win rate and is considered one of the best champions in the top lane right now.
Wunder picked Soraka top.
— ender (@endercasts) March 7, 2020
Riot nerfed it.
Wunder picked Sona top.
Riot nerfed it.
Wunder now picks Janna top.
Wunder doing god's work to get these all nerfed for solo q.
The success of supports in top lane point to how bad the role is to play currently. Champions like Janna, Sona, and Soraka all have cheaper items than most top laners and can get those items quicker, even when down over 40 CS. Pushing supports out of top lane has to be a priority and Riot Games should do whatever it can to make sure that happens.
2. End the Funnel Strategy
For more than four straight patches the champion with the highest win rate in mid lane has been another support champion, Taric. With the recent buffs to Blade of the Ruined King on Patch 10.5, the dynamic duo of Taric and Master Yi combination has only gotten stronger. The funneling strategy destroys interactive gameplay and harms the quality of the game for both the team that is funneling and the team that is facing the funnel.
So this is why Taric Yi funnel hasn't been nerfed yet ? https://t.co/PIDF8YDb4y
— Foxdrop (@Foxdroplol) March 3, 2020
3. Let Some New Champions Shine in the Meta
Throughout Season 10, the top champions in each role have remained relatively consistent, with very few outliers getting a chance to shine in the top tier. Certain champions have gotten close, like Bard on Patch 10.4, to shifting the meta, but they are almost immediately hit with nerfs. Allowing unique and nuanced champions to have their time in the spotlight would be a big step to helping players who feel like the champions they play will never be viable in the current meta.
First A-Sol, now BARD NERFS??!??! Why riot whyyyyy pic.twitter.com/1qgnfz9sMW
— Chandler (@CuriacitySFX) February 24, 2020
4. Fix Jungle Experience
No role has seen more changes thrown its way in League of Legends than the jungle. In Season 10, jungle camps were changed to give significantly less gold and experience and the changes severely limited the viable pool of junglers and the window for junglers to impact the game. Junglers who had strong Level 6 ganks were almost entirely shoved out of the meta for junglers who could be aggressive at Level 3.
The nearly two level gap between solo laners and junglers made having losing laners a nail in the coffin for a jungler. Even with the recent buffs to Krugs, junglers often feel like they have little control over the game. As the gold and level deficit makes it nearly impossible for the jungler to recover or influence the game when an enemy solo laner gets ahead.
Instead of adding more and more champions to the jungle pool by buffing their damage to monsters, Riot Games should look at changing jungle gold and experience to bring Level 6 junglers back into the meta.
5. Bring Back One for All
It's been a while since the last rotating game mode in League of Legends and One for All would be the perfect way to let players experiment with the new changes and new champions Riot has released in the past few months. Players could stack Yuumi into an invincible healing cat or thrown an opponent across the map with Sett. One for All would be a great way to keep players engaged with the game in a low pressure and low stakes environment. Plus, who wouldn't want to see a team of five Aphelios'?