5 Things We Want in League of Legends Patch 11.15
By Ayrton Lauw
League of Legends Patch 11.15 is approaching and its main event is the addition of the newest champion, Akshan. Though there will be plenty of skins and additions to the store, these are five things that are needed for the next patch.
From what was gathered on the Public Beta Environment, there will be a lot of new skins that will come out for Patch 11.15, however, there are no news as of yet that reveal what will happen in terms of balancing.
1. Proper Renekton Adjustments
It seems as if every time that the balance team gets its hands on Renekton, the crocodile is either insanely overpowered or severely underpowered, both of which are just bad for the champion. Perhaps it's not the developer's fault and he may suffer from the same problem as Ryze does, in which there is really no way to make him completely balanced. Regardless, some love - not too much love - for Renekton is great as he is one of the more interesting and rewarding picks to play for the top lane.
2. Buffs to Underpowered Mid Lane Picks
Whether it be a direct buff for mid lane picks like Ryze or Ahri, or a bit more damage for their core items, it'd be pleasant to see a lot more variety for the mid lane champion pool in the next patch. Though they can seem to force a 20-minute surrender if they win in the early-to-mid game, some of the champions just fall flat on their face after those 20 minutes. This is not to say that all mid lane champions need to be buffed, but if there was just a bit of balancing for the community favorites, it may make games just a little more interesting.
3. Slight Adjustments to Bruisers
Though the tanks are starting to slowly fizzle out, it may be best to take a look at balancing the bruiser picks for top lane and jungle. It's been for some time now that picks like Sett or Riven came to dominate the top lane. And although it's nice to make teams roll over because of a top lane difference, League of Legends is a thinker's game. To keep speeding up the pace of the game would be a disservice to those who like to figure out getting themselves out of a hole they dug. Keeping the tanks at least just as strong as bruisers help slow down the game just a bit, and it's not a bad thing for that to happen.
5 Things We Want in League of Legends Patch 11.15
4. A Sentinels of Light Themed Summoner's Rift
If Riot Games really wants to sell people on its Sentinels of Light event that's going on right now, why not make Summoner's Rift a little more thematic towards the event? There is no doubt that the theme is quite mystical and has its community wondering what else is there for this story arc. It's time to make the map look just a bit more ruined.
5. Sylas Nerfs
Sylas has, for a few patches now, been the king of the mid lane pool. As he is usually a pick-or-ban champion, there is no doubt that his overwhelming presence in the mid lane has probably overextended its visit and it's about time that changes. Strip some of the power away from this man and it would just make the ecosystem of the mid lane a lot more healthier and sustainable.