5 Worst AD Carries in League of Legends Patch 10.16
By Nick O'Neil

League of Legends Patch 10.16 has some AD carries players need to avoid in the current meta game. League of Legends Patch 10.16 entails several marksman changes as Riot Games prepares for Worlds. These changes include buffs to Jhin, Jinx, Lucian, Miss Fortune and Tristana.
Take a look at the five worst AD carries in League of Legends Patch 10.16 below.
Patch 10.16 Highlights!
— League of Legends (@LeagueOfLegends) August 4, 2020
Read the full patch notes ? https://t.co/tI98dpO3OV pic.twitter.com/qr12vQ7XW4
5 Worst AD Carries in League of Legends Patch 10.16
5. Kai'Sa
The last champion changes for Kai'Sa came in the form of minor damage and range buffs during Patch 10.11. Kai'Sa has been struggling lately despite receiving these changes. Because of the sheer number of AD carry buffs coming in Patch 10.16 as well historically poor performance Kai'Sa stands to be one of the worst picks in the current meta game.
4. Ezreal
Ezreal relies upon Arcane Shift (E) to maintain optimal positioning and avoid enemy ganks in the bottom lane. Arcane Shift cooldown nerfs in Patch 10.14 brought additional struggles to Ezreals lane safety. While this change is not catastrophic by itself, the current meta has seen increased Caitlyn picks which perform quite well against Ezreal.
3. Twitch
Twitch has remain unchanged on Summoner's Rift for quite some time. While he can utilize Ambush (Q) to gain favorable positioning and snowball kills, his current power level is simply too low. In his current state, Twitch needs to become ridiculously fed to carry the game resulting in a weak pick in Patch 10.16.
2. Varus
The Arrow of Retribution heavily relies upon Piercing Arrow (Q) to poke enemy lane opponents and gain an advantage. Multiple nerfs to this ability in recent patches paired with the growing strength of other marksmen cement Varus as one of the the worst AD carries in Patch 10.16.
1. Aphelios
Aphelios previously held the throne as one of the strongest marskman in the game known for producing insane damage output. Significant nerfs in Patch 10.15 paired with various other marskmen buffs in the latest patch mean Aphelios should not see much play until buffed.