Apex Legends FInal Circle: Caster Reveals Most Popular End Circle

Apex Legends subreddit, user Lrktl compiled the final zones from 150 scrimmage games to find out if the game favors one location over another. While it's supposed to be random, the game seems to float to certain areas of the map.

The Apex Legends caster stated that during the scrimmages, the circles tend to end near the Capitol City and Thermal Station with 18 and 19 games apiece.

Apex Legends FInal Circle: Caster Reveals Most Popular End Circle

Because of the structure of the map, 42 of the zones either touched the train tracks in the final circle or landed perfectly on the tracks. You can tell Respawn Entertainment designed this map to make the train useful in more than one scenario.

In other news, Respawn Entertainment hinted at more easter eggs hidden around the map.

Players should have a better chance at finding the easter eggs since the Halloween event is coming to an end. Most of the community was playing Fight or Fright, so now, they can focus on finding the rest of the easter eggs.

Photo courtesy of Respawn Entertainment