Apex Legends Pro Explains Why Seer Will Soon Dominate the Meta

TSM content creator and Cloud9 ALGS stand-in Mac "Albralelie" Beckwith recently revealed why he thinks Seer could very well dominate the meta soon in Apex Legends.
Especially in a game like Apex Legends, where hero balancing changes are so dramatically requested and criticized by the community, one of the more interesting gameplay developments to follow in recent seasons has been the rise and fall of Seer.
In Season 10, the Ambush Artist notably shot right out of the gate as one of the game's strongest Legends before getting nerfed hard Aug. 23. Since then, Seer's pick rate has steadily climbed up, and is currently the highest it's been since the nerfs.
Interested to see how the meta evolves, but my prediction right now is essentially a bubble-less/non gibby staple aggression based meta similar to octane/hound/gibby but seer/valk being your two staples with flex picks being defensive/more aggro (at least in NA).
— TSMFTX Albralelie (@TSM_Albralelie) July 18, 2022
"Thinking from a purely defensive standpoint," Albralelie tweeted July 18, "Seer is kind of game-breaking in terms of denying resets. If the meta evolves into every team having seer, it'll be incredibly rare to actually get a knocked player back up during hectic times in zone 4+ even with newcastle.
"Interested to see how the meta evolves, but my prediction right now is essentially a bubble-less/non gibby staple aggression based meta similar to octane/hound/gibby but seer/valk being your two staples with flex picks being defensive/more aggro (at least in NA)."
As Albralelie mentioned, Seer mains just might soon get their time to shine in Apex Legends with the character perhaps being just as important as Valkyrie, who has dominated pick rates in both ranked and pro play.
During the ALGS Year 2 Championship, Seer was notably the go-to scan Legend for most of the team comps.
With the next Apex Legends map seemingly taking place near Seers' home world, Boreas, and its shattered moon, Cleo, it might be fitting for the Recon Legend to be at the forefront of the meta once again.