Best Audio Settings in Warzone

Players who use a headset playing Call of Duty: Warzone have the best advantage when playing, especially with stealth. It's important to have your audio setting on point in order to hear nearby players' footsteps, as well as nearby crates and your teammates in chat.
Here are the best audio setting to use in Warzone.
Best Audio Settings to use in Warzone
While it is good to hear louder footsteps when playing Warzone, you don't want to blow your eardrums to increase the volume. You need to have a balance.
Band of Bros on YouTube uses the following settings in his Warzone settings, and we agree that they are the best balance of hearing enemies while not increasing the volume of the game to the max.
- Audio Mix - Midnight Mode
- Master Volume -100
- Music Volume -20
- Dialogue Volume -70
- Effects Volume -100
- Hit Marker Sounds - Classic
Audio Mix is up to preference, but Band of Bros recommends Midnight Mode for those who want the most balanced set up. The home theatre modes are best for players with a high end surround sound system, and the boost modes are for those who want certain effects to boom louder in their headset. Studio Reference is for the best of the best set ups, including those players with 3-D sound headsets.
Master and Effects Volume are the most important. The Master Volume effects all the global sound settings of the game, so it's best to just keep it at 100 and touch the specific sounds manually. For those that care about the Warzone music playlist, it's best to keep it at 20 so you can just barely hear it, allowing you to prioritize the game audio. Dialogue is important, so you can hear when enemies are flying in or when UAVs are in the skies, so keep this at 70 so you can still hear it, but hear the weapons and enemies more. The effects volume affects gunfire, armor equipment, and footsteps, as well as player breathing, so having this at 100 is a must.
Hit marker sounds are also more clear in classic mode than the MW setting, so we and Band of Bros recommend this setting.