Best Crosshair Settings Valorant: How to Create the Best Crosshair
By Isaac Ryu

Finding the best crosshair settings in Valorant is an integral part of playing competitively. Here is how to get the best crosshair settings in Valorant for you.
Valorant offers a variety of customization options that allow for the player to create as personal of a crosshair as they would like.
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Best Crosshair Settings Valorant: How to Create the Best Crosshair
Valorant's crosshair system provides players with a multitude of options including dynamic crosshairs. Dynamic crosshairs show movement and firing error when players pull the trigger. This option can prove to be valuable to new players but to more experienced ones, it could be a distraction.
The color of the crosshair is also an integral part of landing shots in-game. The crosshair should be visible, yet it should not be distracting. There are a total of four maps in the game, all of which are vibrant in color. Ideally, players should know the four maps well enough to understand which crosshair colors personally work best on each map.
Another option to consider when adjusting crosshair settings is the size. Similar to the color of the crosshair, adjustment is connected to how comfortable the player is with their knowledge of the game. The crosshair should not be too big where it becomes distracting nor should a player be straining to see it.
Additionally, pro players and some of the best players like Michael "Shroud" Grzesiek have shared their settings with the public. So in addition to creating their own settings, players can copy their favorite player's configurations.