Best Moveset for Gothitelle in Pokemon GO
By Jack O'Dwyer

We've compiled a short explanation of the best moveset for Gothita's final evolution, Gothitelle, in Pokemon GO.
Gothitelle is the "Astral Body" Pokemon, a pure psychic-type hailing from the Unova region. It is best known for its ability to predict the future using the placement of the stars. According to its PokeDex description, it can tell a trainer's lifespan. Its PokeDex number is #576.
Trainers can get their own Gothitelle by evolving Gothita into Gothorita, and then into Gothitelle for 25 and 100 candies, respectively. It shouldn't be too difficult to accumulate those candies thanks to the Pokemon's Spotlight Hour feature later today, Tuesday, Oct. 19. Trainers who participate will benefit from a double catch experience bonus.
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Best Moveset for Gothitelle in Pokemon GO
Gothitelle has the following stats:
- Maximum CP: 2735
- Maximum HP: 157
- Attack: 176
- Defense: 205
- Stamina: 172
It is weakest against bug, dark, and ghost-types, but has resilience against fighting and other psychic-types.
Therefore, its best moveset contains the quick move Confusion paired with the charged move Psychic. While Gothitelle's move pool does contain a few psychic-type moves that benefit from the Same-Type Attack Bonus (STAB) condition, it's no secret by now that Confusion and Psychic are the best set for Pokemon of their type in the game.
Confusion is listed as 20 damage, dealing 15 damage per second (DPS) and generating just over nine energy per second (EPS). Gothitelle's other quick move choice, Charm, only deals ~13 and generates seven energy per second—aside from the fact it does not benefit from STAB as a fairy-type move.
Gothitelle has the choice of Psychic or Future Sight as its charged move. Both benefit from STAB and Future Sight does do more damage than Psychic at face value, but Psychic can be used more often due to its lower energy cost—18 compared to 37.
Gothitelle's pre-evolved form, Gothita, is currently available as part of the Pokemon GO two-part Halloween event.