Best Moveset for Lanturn in Pokemon GO
By Jack O'Dwyer

We've put together the best moveset for the evolved form of this week's featured Spotlight Hour Pokemon.
Lanturn, the "Light" Pokemon, can be evolved from Chinchou using 50 candies. According to its PokeDex description, it is nicknamed the "deep-sea star" due to its bright antenna sprouting from just behind its head. Supposedly, the light comes from a chemical reaction sparked from interaction between the bacteria and internal fluids within the antenna, itself. Its PokeDex number is #171.
Whether in Raid Battles or out in the wild, encounter Dedenne as it makes its debut in the #PokemonGOFestivalOfLights event!⚡ How many have you caught so far, Trainers?
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) November 6, 2021
Best Moveset for Lanturn in Pokemon GO
Like Chinchou, Lanturn is an electric and water-type. Therefore, it is weak to grass and ground-type attacks. It can withstand fire, ice, flying, and other water-types with a double resistance to steel-types.
Lanturn has the following stats:
- Maximum CP: 2357
- Maximum HP: 237
- Attack: 146
- Defense: 137
- Stamina: 268
Its best moveset contains the quick move Spark and charged move Thunderbolt. Both are electric-type moves which means they benefit from the 20% Same-Type Attack Bonus (STAB) damage buff.
All of the moves included in Lanturn's move pool at the time of writing currently fit within STAB, which evens the playing field quite a bit among the three options for quick and charged moves, respectively.
We picked Spark over Charge Beam and Water Gun due to its general advantages over both. Spark generates more energy per second (EPS) than Water Gun and deals more damage per second (DPS) than Charge Beam—13 vs. 10 and 10 vs. 8.7.
Thunderbolt follows a typical competitive rule over Thunder and Hydro Pump. It eats up the least amount of energy per cast which allows it to be cast more often and generate more DPS over time.
Chinchou's Spotlight Hour feature will run from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m., local time on Nov. 9. Trainers who participate will benefit from twice the transfer candy.