Best Ret Paladin Legendary in Shadowlands 9.1
Best Ret Paladin Legendary in Shadowlands 9.1 is interesting, and a little different form of acquisition than other classes' legendaries.
Best Ret Paladin Legendary in Shadowlands 9.1
Similar to Assassination Rogues, Retribution Paladins have a must-pick Legendary if you find yourself dedicated to a specific Covenant.
In the Ret Pally's case, Divine Resonance is super strong, but only accessible if you are dedicated to the Kyrian Covenant. Once you reach Renown 48 with the Kyrian, you will unlock the ability to craft Divine Resonance.
If you are not part of the Kyrian Covenant, don't fret, there are still excellent options available for you.
Similar to Divine Resonance in its wide applicability, The Mad Paragon is a very strong Legendary pick. To obtain The Mad Paragon, you must loot it from the Great Vault, your weekly chest located in your specific Covenant Sanctum.
Final Verdict should be mentioned as well, a strong Legendary to seek out, especially if you find yourself raiding a lot. The pure single-target output of Final Verdict is what makes it so great.