Best Tips to Deal with Zurks in Stray
By Jack O'Dwyer

Zurks in Stray can prove to be a difficult enemy to evade and defeat. Fortunately, we've come up with some tips to make these encounters go a bit more smoothly.
Here are some of our best tips and tricks for dealing with the best ad campaign for flea and tick prevention in cats we've ever seen: Stray's Zurk enemies.
Best Tips to Deal with Zurks in Stray
1. Never Stop Running
This one is obvious: do not stop moving around. While Zurks do pounce on a strict trajectory, that doesn't mean players can just move a few steps away to avoid an attack. These creatures travel in packs and their attacks often cascade one after the other. Standing still makes you a much easier target to hit so it is imperative that you stay in motion and keep your distance.
This should also allow you to squeeze through tight corners and spaces before they have a chance to grab you.
2. Don't Run Straight At Them
"But Jack," you might say, "if they pounce by jumping at me, should I just be able to run underneath them?" Yes, in theory, but players should remember it takes a long time to jump, and the closer you are to them, the less preparation they need and the easier it is to just grab you as you get close.
Instead, you're going to want to switch sides whenever you see them coming for you. When a new cohort pours in on the right, take the left path, etc.
3. Try a Zig-zag or Serpentine Movement
Further expanding on this method, when running from hoards of these fleshy little monsters, it helps to sway from one side to the other. This makes you much more difficult to target successfully as your trajectory is constantly changing. Zurks who had you in their sights will find themselves outmaneuvered with a slip to the right or left.
4. Run in a Tight Circle to Herd Them
Once you've got the Defluxor, you should be ready to take these creatures down for good. Unfortunately, using the Defluxor is a bit more difficult than it appears due to the limitations on its charges. Players will only be able to use it in small bursts before it overheats completely.
For this reason, it's much easier to run circles around Zurks to herd them up into one big group. That way, it's easier to get them all in one go.
5. Wait Until They're Grouped Up to Zap
Players don't always have to herd the Zurks, themselves, of course. Any time players see a group of Zurks together, it's best to take them out. Individual and small groups are far easier avoided than those larger ones, so they aren't worth the extra energy.
Interested in Stray, but not sure if it's something you want to try for yourself? Check out our review for the last word on everything this game has to offer.