Best Valorant Crosshair to Use in 2023

Valorant is a game that requires players to have precision aim in order to become a highly skilled player. Even if a player is intelligent about decisions within the game, the most important factor into skill level is aim consistency.
There are many ways to improve the accuracy of your aim, including the shooting test at the range within the game. Another way to improve your aim is by utilizing Aim Lab to practice. A third way players can use to improve aim is by changing the mouse sensitivity, as shooting games typically require a lower sensitivity than other games.
A final way for players to improve their aim is by altering their crosshair within Valorant, but there are so many different options that players can choose from. Here are a few of the best options for Valorant crosshairs in 2023.
LOCK//IN may be over but you can still cop a new crosshair from these VCT pros. // Just copy the code and paste it in your in-game crosshair settings.
— VALORANT (@PlayVALORANT) March 10, 2023
Best Valorant Crosshair to Use in 2023
There are some professional players that gave out their personal crosshair codes, and players can copy those codes into Valorant to test them out. Typically, a smaller crosshair can help players know where their bullets are traveling, which can help them become more accurate.
The first recommended crosshair to use is from one of the best North American Valorant players in the professional scene, Tyson "TenZ" Ngo. His crosshair is small and does not blend into the background of some maps, and his code is "0;s;1;P;c;5;h;0;m;1;0l;4;0o;2;0a;1;0f;0;1b;0;S;c;4;o;1".
The second best crosshair to use is by one of TenZ's teammates, Gustavo "Sacy" Rossi. Both players have a similar crosshair, but Sacy utilizes a white color and an even smaller crosshair than TenZ. Sacy's crosshair code can be imported by using this "0;P;c;5;o;1;0t;1;0l;4;0o;1;0a;1;0f;0;1t;3;1o;2;1a;1;1m;0;1f;0".
The final suggestion for a great crosshair is used by Nikita "Derke" Sirmitev, who is a professional player for Fnatic's Valorant team. His crosshair is a simplistic dot, which can help players stay focused on the game in front of them. Derke's crosshair code is "0;s;1;P;o;1;d;1;f;0;s;0;0t;0;0l;1;0o;0;0a;1;0f;0;1t;0;1l;1;1o;0;1a;1;1m;0;1f;0;S;o;1".