Bloody Finger Hunter Yura Quest Guide: How to Get the Nagakiba in Elden Ring

The Nagakiba is one of the most powerful katanas in Elden Ring, but retrieving it for yourself isn't as easy as stumbling across it while exploring the Lands Between. Instead, you'll have to complete the questline for Bloody Finger Hunter Yura, one way or another, to add it to your arsenal. Here's how.
Bloody Finger Hunter Yura's Quest Explained
Bloody Finger Hunter Yura is a warrior who hunts down Tarnished that have decided to hunt their fellow Tarnished. You can first meet him near the Seaside Ruins Site of Grace, under a fallen column. Talk to him and he'll tell you to avoid the nearby lake, warning you of a dragon that waits there.
If you're not interested in completing Yura's storyline, you can kill him right here. He'll drop the Nagakiba and 1,000 Runes. But if you're looking to complete the quest and retrieve the Nagakiba without slaughtering an innocent NPC, you'll have to work a little harder.
If you explore the lake and kill the dragon, return to Yura and he'll explain how to use it at the Church of Dragon Communion — but this step is optional.
To progress the quest, head to Murkwater Cave to the north. You'll be invaded by Bloody Finger Nerijus, and Yura will automatically come to your aid. After the fight, continue north to find Yura under an overpass. There, he'll explain his role as a Bloody Finger Hunter.
You'll next find Yura in Raya Lucaria. From the Main Academy Gate Site of Grace, head north past the glowing seal. Along the bridge you'll find a Red Summon Sign that will let you join Yura's world and help him defeat Bloody Finger Ravenmount Assassin. Don't worry if you or Yura die during the fight — you can retry if you die, and Yura should revive.
Winning the fight will earn the player a Rune Arc and Furlcalling Finger Remedy; returning to your world will award the Ash of War: Raptor of the Mists. You'll find Yura standing against the railing of the bridge. Talk to him to receive a Smithing Stone [5].
Earning the Nagakiba
The last time you see Yura as his normal self will be at the Second Church of Marika on the Altus Plateau. Talk to him there and you'll receive the Nagakiba, then fight Bloody Finger Eleonora. Win that fight to receive the Purifying Crystal Tear, Eleonora's Poleblade and a Furlcalling Finger Remedy.
Yura Possessed
The next time you see someone who looks like Yura, it will in fact be Shabriri, who has taken over Yura's body. He'll try to convince you to take the path of the Frenzied Flame, explaining how to reach that ending. For one final reward from this quest line, you can either kill Shabriri to get the Ronin armor set, or meet with the Three Fingers and return to Shabriri's location, where the set will be lying on the ground.