Call of Duty Modern Warfare Battle Royale Release
Call of Duty Modern Warfare's battle royale has yet to receive a release date — Infinity Ward has yet to even officially acknowledge the leaks that revealed the mode's likely existence. Here's what we know about the mode ahead of its release, whenever that may be.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare Battle Royale: What We Know
All the information currently available about Call of Duty Modern Warfare's battle royale mode comes from a single data mine by Reddit user u/Senescallo. Senescallo shared their findings to Reddit Nov. 16, revealing the map and various details about the game mode.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare Battle Royale: Map
Despite being removed from the original leak, images of the map continue to circulate online. It appears to include both the Ground War and Spec Ops maps.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare Battle Royale: 200-Player Matches and the Basics
Each game of Modern Warfare's battle royale will feature 200 players, according to the leak. It will be available for solos, duos and squads of four.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare Battle Royale: Respawns and the Gulag
Players will be able to revive teammates once each using respawn tokens. The process includes bringing the fallen ally to an ambulance, which in turn brings them to a place referred to in-game as the Gulag. There, they'll face off 1-vs-1 against another dead player, with the winner returning to the game. Once revived, players can recover their load outs at mobile armories.
In the Gulag, players will be able to spectate each 1-vs-1 match, with a countdown showing when they'll join the fray. While spectating, players can bet Plunder on the outcomes of each 1-vs-1 match. Jailbreaks will take place occasionally, sending all players back into the game at once.
The Gulag will close after a certain point in each game, preventing further respawns.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare Battle Royale: Missions
Missions will be available in each match for players to complete. They include the following missions types:
- Tracked
- Timed Run
- Assassination
- Scavenger Hunt
- Domination
- Random
Completing a mission will earn players Plunder.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare Battle Royale: Plunder
Players can earn Plunder by completing missions and eliminating enemies. Plunder dropped by enemies expires after a certain amount of time. Plunder Box locations will allow players to exchange Plunder for powerful items. Plunder can also be hoarded and converted into XP at ATM around the map.
Players must reach a certain Plunder threshold to deposit it into the Bank. Entering the Bank will cause an alarm to sound.
The player who collects the most Plunder in a match will be named Best Plunderer.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare Battle Royale: Loot
Weapons will be available in five rarities: white, green, blue, purple and gold. Players will have limited inventory space, which they will be able to fill with any of the weapons, attachments and equipments already available in multiplayer. They will not be able to equip two of the same weapon.
All the Field Upgrades and Killstreaks from multiplayer will also appear in the battle royale.
Armor will include the now-standard helmet and vest combo, with helmets reducing headshot damage and vests absorbing damage.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare Battle Royale: Perks
The following perks will be available in the Modern Warfare battle royale:
- High Alert: Grants vision when an enemy looks at you from outside of your field of view
- Spotter: Enemy equipment within a small radius is visible and highlighted to you, even through walls.
- Tracker: Enemies leave footprints as they move, and increased crouch movement speed.
- Stalker: Faster movement while aiming down sight.
- Marksman: Allows you to identify enemies from farther away by showing their names at a greater distance.
- Sleight of Hand: Reload your weapons 50% faster than normal.
- Armorer: You use armor plates 20% faster, and they supply 10% more armor.
- Artisan Tastes: Weapons you pick up have a chance to automatically upgrade.
- Deep Pockets: Any usable equipment you pick up has an extra use.
- Grenadier: Any throwable equipment you pick up has an extra use.
- Healer: Your medic items continue to heal for an additional 25% of their value over the next 20 seconds.
- Thief: When you Harvest, generate 20% more plunder.
- Ammo Scavenger: Enemies you kill always drop some ammunition.
- Armor Scavenger: Enemies you kill always drop some armor plates.
- Medic Scavenger: Enemies you kill always drop some medic items.
- Plunder Scavenger: Enemies you kill always drop some Plunder.
- Bounty Hunter: If you kill someone with more Perks than you, gain enough points to match them, and then you can replace this perk.
- Ghost: You are invisible to drones and sensors.
- Sneaky: Your Footsteps are invisible, and enemies are not warned when you track them.
- Explosive Ordnance Disposal: Explosive Resistance, and you can capture enemy claymores and mines.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare Battle Royale: Pings and Miscellany
The Modern Warfare battle royale will include some of Apex Legends' innovations, including a robust ping system and the jump master system that allows one player to direct their team's drop.
None of these details has been confirmed by Infinity Ward. As a result, any and all of it could be erroneous, or changed before an eventual release.