Changes to 'Save' Apex Legends Ranked Coming in Season 13 Says Respawn Dev

Apex Legends' Ranked Battle Royale mode has long been a matter of push and pull between developer Respawn Entertainment and the game's community, with players seemingly looking for major changes to improve the title's competitive experience.
While Respawn has implemented some changes with its Kill Points (KP) system over the last two seasons, it appears Apex Legends' overall Ranked Points (RP) system, placement distribution and other ongoing concerns have inspired members of the community to fire up a #SaveApexRanked hashtag on social media in recent days.
Soon enough, however, a Respawn Entertainment dev seemingly doubled down on the ability of the upcoming 13th season of Apex Legends to deliver a much-improved Ranked Battle Royale experience.
We better get a hashtag come season 13 that says #ThanksRespawnForSavingApexRanked
— Josh Medina (@lowkeydbjosh) March 17, 2022
"We better get a hashtag come season 13 that says #ThanksRespawnForSavingApexRanked," Respawn producer Josh Medina Tweeted Thursday.
Of course, although no specific details were shared about what's on the horizon, it does generate some hope that a major overhaul for the mode is on the way.
I love Apex’s KP system ? especially when I can knock 2 people in a short fight, put out almost 400 damage and STILL get ZERO FUCKING KP ? what a braindead system. Absolute joke ?
— NRG Lulu (@LuluLuvely) February 5, 2022
Apex Legends' ranked system has been widely debated throughout the game's community, including pro players, who believe its scoring system is "outdated" and promotes lazy and casual decision-making far out of touch with the ALGS' style of play.
While attempting to rank up in Apex Legends Ranked Battle Royale, players have a much higher incentive to get kills and assists than in other titles (e.g. Valorant) where winning determines just about everything.
This is because of the implementation of the KP scoring mechanic by which the Apex Legends ranked system factors a player's kills into their overall ranked score for that match.
Ranked Points (RP) are used to reach higher Ranked levels, and are generally awarded strictly based on players' match placements.
Thanks to the KP system, however, players can theoretically get 1.5x additional RP by securing six kills/assists along the way to placing first with their team. Players do not get RP for reviving teammates or knocking opponents.
In Apex Legends the primary goal is to be the last Legend standing, and racking up kills is the vehicle to get you there. ... Players that focus on fighting for higher placements and teamplay should be more faithfully awarded.
- Apex Legends: Defiance Patch Notes
As such, it will be interesting to see just what type of changes to the KP system will occur in Season 13, including if Respawn will implement some of the community's voiced ideas, such as team-shared KP and increased RP gains for placements, as well as the ability to demote between ranked tiers.