Coffin Bastion Skin Revealed for Overwatch Halloween Terror 2021

The Overwatch Coffin Bastion skin was revealed Tuesday as part of the game's latest iteration of their staple Halloween Terror event, and it definitely gets the job done.
Although there has yet to be a reveal tweet posted to the Overwatch Twitter account for this one, here's what we know about the skin.
— Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch) October 12, 2021
Earn spooky cosmetics, win bewitching weekly rewards, and give your foes a fright in Junkenstein's Revenge. Overwatch Halloween Terror is NOW LIVE!
Coffin Bastion Skin Revealed for Overwatch Halloween Terror 2021
Just as a team looking dead in the water can begin to make a comeback with a quick switch to Bastion, the new Coffin skin showcases the hero refusing to stay out of the fight. With wood, metal, and white leather features, the Coffin Bastion skin even includes a skeleton version of the community's beloved bird Ganymede.
The new skin is one of five Legendary skins to be released during the event. The others include Satyr Lúcio, Draugr Reinhardt, Vampire Bat Echo and Vampire Hunter Brigitte. Three new Epic skins (Skeleton Genji, Einherjar Zarya, and Clown Roadhog) have also dropped, but players will need to play some games and complete weekly challenges in order to earn them.
Fans of the battle automaton DPS will be able to unlock the legendary Coffin skin in Loot Boxes, or in exchange for 3000 credits, during the Overwatch Halloween Terror 2021 event live now from Oct. 12 to Nov. 2.