Cyberpunk 2077 Search and Destroy: How to Collect the 'The Devil Trophy'
By Erika Thomas

Cyberpunk 2077 Search and Destroy quest is rather simple.
How do you complete search and destroy in Cyberpunk 2077? There are many missions and objectives in Cyberpunk 2077, Search and Destroy is an interesting one. Here is how to complete the search and destroy mission.
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Cyberpunk 2077 Search and Destroy: How to Collect the 'The Devil Trophy'
Search and Destroy is the 25th main mission in the Cyberpunk 2077 storyline. Here is a walkthrough on how to finish it.
The mission is foune in Japantown and the quest is given by Takemura.
Here are the objectives:
-Go to the hideout
Follow the waypoint to Takemura's hideout. Go to room 303.
-Knock on the door
Knock only four times, if you knock differently, you will be blown up by a trap and die.
-Talk to Takemura
You will be told of Takemura's actions and the stakes.
-Talk to Hanako Arasaka
Use any dialogue at this part, it doesn't matter.
-Check the door
An explosion will happen and the door will burst.
-Return to Takemura
Head back to Takemura.
-Leave the Building
You will be separated from Takemura and you will have to make a decision to either abandon him after fighting off Arasaka's soldiers or you can try and save him.
Story options that will effect you heavily:
(Optional) Try to save Takemura
Get "The Devil" trophy and Takemura will escape alive.
(Optional) Escape the apartment
You will escape and leave Takemura for dead.
Ultimately, this mission will determine if you get a certain trophy called "The Devil" which you will get if you choose to save Takemura and get him out of trouble. Leaving Takemura behind will not get you this trophy and he will be left to die. Saving him is more difficult as there will be Arasake soldiers everywhere coming from all sides but for trophy hunters, it will be a sweet victory.
You will know you did everything right to get "The Devil" trophy if Takemura talks to you before leaping out of the door. If he doesn't talk to you, you have made a mistake and need to reload your last save to restart the mission.