Cyberpunk 2077 We Gotta Live Together: How to Complete
By Zach Snoddy

Cyberpunk 2077's "We Gotta Live Together" is one of the main missions in the Cyberpunk campaign. It immediately follows the chaotic "Totalimmortal" mission.
After explaining their situation to Panam, V will ask for her help with the raid of Arasaka Tower. Panam agrees to help and picks V up to take them to the Aldecaldos camp. On the ride over, V passes out from their injuries.
Cyberpunk 2077 We Gotta Live Together: How to Complete
V will wake up at the Aldecaldos camp where the gang is preparing a plan to raid Arasaka Tower. Talk to Saul and Panam to hear their plan that entails breaching the tower without drawing attention. Following a brief conversation with Panam and Mitch about test driving the Panzer, head to Dakota's tent and speak with her. Dakota will allow V to use her equipment to speak with Alt in cyberspace. This will trigger a cutscene, but V and Alt's conversation is cut short by Dakota's equipment malfunctioning.
After speaking with Alt, V will be informed that Saul is looking for them. Saul can be found standing in the bed of a truck speaking before the camp. Saul reveals that he and Panam have decided to make V an official member of the Aldecaldo clan, and they are given a member's jacket.
6th Street, Animals, and Aldecaldos:
— Cyberpunk 2077 (@CyberpunkGame) September 21, 2020
Once V is inducted into the Aldecaldos, they can interact with several different Nomad NPCs around the camp. Some of them will offer V unique items, including an Iconic Power Weapon if the player can shoot 12 bottles in just 15 seconds. You can also now take the Panzer out for a test drive.
To finish the mission, follow the waypoint marker that leads to a ledge overlooking the camp. There V will find Panam sitting alone. After a short conversation, V will fall asleep before awakening the next morning to the camp preparing for battle. The next main mission, "Forward to Death", will begin immediately after completing "We Gotta Live Together."