DeKay Mailbag Part 1: ENCE Rumors, Impact of the SG, and who Virtus.Pro could replace

Photo by Adela Sznakder/DreamHack

Welcome to Part 1 of the DeKay Mailbag, a monthly feature in which Counter-Strike reporter and insider Jarek "DeKay" Lewis answers questions from readers on Twitter. Do you have a question you'd like to see in a future mailbag? Tweet @dekay.

I wish this was something I knew the answer to, but there really is no way to know. I enjoy your casting and think you're deserving of an opportunity. Hopefully this year is different.

As you would expect, rumors are swirling about how they'll deal with the situation they have found themselves in. Right now, nothing suggests they'll make a roster move though. Many behind the scenes feel like they can make things work with their current lineup. That's how I expect it to remain for the time being.

The rumor has been that SANJI will be the one to go if they make a move. There was interest in n0rb3r7, but nothing really materialized in the days following when I heard about it. I do expect a change with them, it just depends on who they'll get right now.

I do not have any information as to who they'll recruit, but from what I understand it is a domestic project within Poland to help develop younger players.

I have heard nothing that would suggest that being the case. They seem pretty content at the moment.

Not really. I think teams are generally looking for the right things when it comes to picking a manager or coach. Most seem to agree that the best players aren't automatically good at coaching or managing.

Nothing worth reporting at this time. There have been a few rumors, but it's still too early. Major news always trickles in around the same time as the Major that precedes it. So we still have a couple months before I expect news to develop.

Nothing I can say confidently at this time. I have a good idea of who they are, but it's still a little early in the confirmation process. That is something that everyone will know soon, one way or another.

No, I don't want the deagle to change at all. At the highest levels of play, it's pretty much kill or be killed when you are using it. If you don't hit the first shot you take, you're almost always punished. I think that's a perfect risk/reward for it. Some of the best clips we have ever seen come from deagle plays and I would hate to see those disappear.

Nothing on my end.

I think they are confident in themselves to make a resurgence, which has been apparent with them making it to the playoffs of IEM Katowice with ease. If things don't work out moving forward though, they won't be afraid of making some type of change.

No I don't. Autimatic is very confident in his AWPing and is taking it seriously. I think things will remain the same structurally unless they have a reason to make a drastic change. I really do think he is good enough to Main AWP for the rest of his career.

I think a roster change before the Major would be extreme. If things don't get better there though, you are definitely in change territory. I haven't heard of anyone who would draw interest from them within France should things head that direction, so I have no idea what kind of change they would even make.

I'm not good enough of an analyst to really tell what is lacking in their game, but if things don't get better I'd like more fresh talent added. The issue is that some of the best talent is locked away at FURIA for crazy amounts of money. The other problem is determining who you sacrifice to add that talent, so it's not a simple task. I really thought they would have had better results by now; it's tough.

There would be some movement in the rankings, but not nearly as much as when the AUG got nerfed. I think we are on a much more even playing field right now. Teams like Astralis, Liquid, and Mousesports are just as good without the SG, in my opinion.

Right now, the best team in my opinion is Mousesports. Astralis and Liquid have a real chance at stealing that, but right now those are absolutely the three best teams.

I think it would end up being someone in-between. Not a huge name but someone the community is familiar with and that the players have some previous chemistry with, if possible. I don't have anyone I feel super confident in them getting right now though.

I think their recent issues have been due to a combination of travel and confidence. So far at Katowice it looks like they're making progress though.

It's hard not to pick a team like Astralis, with their record at Majors. If you want a more entertaining answer, I'm going to go with Na'Vi. I think that s1mple on the AWP after the lineup has had time to get used to it is going to destroy most teams they run into.

I think making a change after getting some of their best results would be foolish. They have to let things play out and see what they can get accomplished before making a change. My expectations were not very high at the start of the project because I knew that communication would be an issue for a while. Now that they have had enough time to get that figured out, I'd like to see what they're really made of.