DeKay Mailbag Part 2: Options for nitr0, Kassad's Status, and Source 2

This is Part 2 of DeKay's monthly mailbag series. DeKay responses are from questions sent via Twitter regarding topics in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
I dont know if youve answered this but
— Oley (@Oley2k) July 28, 2020
Have any reaaaally big names almost went to valorant, wouldnt be surprised if a few na players wanted to.
Actually, the only players I heard that were rumored to go to Valorant went. Other than that, I haven’t heard of anyone even remotely considering it. I don’t expect any surprises other than possibly a couple of older pros going that direction.
any teams interested in juanflatroo?
— gonzalo (@gonnzalo8) July 30, 2020
Haven’t heard his name discussed behind the scenes at any point.
North was rumored to become a international lineup and now there's rumors about mad lions picking up Lekro, What's the reasoning behind these decisions if there's any truth to them? Did they get inspired by G2's success maybe?
— Moro :P (@Moro__P) July 28, 2020
There are only so many options available within Denmark. A few more notable names declined offers from them, so at that point, it becomes a decision between unproven talent or known international quantities. The safer option is finding international players, and I’m assuming that’s why it’s being discussed.
Are cloud9 looking to make any roster moves?
— The Trashman (@TheTrashmanMD) July 28, 2020
I haven’t heard any movement on their end, so I don’t expect it. I think looking at nitr0 is something they should definitely consider, but it’s not a must. Right now most teams are perfectly okay coasting until offline play returns.
Alternate attax players (kressy, slaxz especially) are so good. Any rumours about them going to t1-t2 teams?
— sadaw (@ilya_sadaw) July 28, 2020
Players from Alternate always seem to have an issue breaking into better spots. Just take syrson for example, who was there for way too long. I was begging people publicly and privately to pick him up for over a year before BIG did. I haven’t heard any rumors, but it’s possible they have been considered and I’m unaware.
Prediction for ESL One Cologne
— Maxim (@MN1CSGO) July 28, 2020
Predicting offline results is tough, but predicting online results is even harder. I’m going to go with Vitality for EU and EG for NA.
Anymore news on Source 2 - and the possible cancellation claims?
— Johan Sand (@JSand_official) July 28, 2020
Here is the thing, I don’t know why the Source 2 rumors even started this year. I never heard a thing about it. So rather than canceled, I would say those rumors were unfounded for the most part.
is nitr0 gonna quit csgo and if he doent quit what team is best for him
— :( (@NPZ3triX_) July 29, 2020
Every team outside of Evil Geniuses in North America should probably give him a look. He could be a huge asset to teams if he is given some of his favorite spots and roles. I do still think he wants to play CS:GO, he just needs an attractive offer.
Any news on who Faze are going to pick up for the 5th?
— Arpit Khanna (@ArpitKhanna96) July 29, 2020
It’s not a foregone conclusion that they make a change right now, so I can’t pick someone out for sure. ALEX was an option they considered as was mentioned, but outside of that, I haven’t heard any names.
any plans for the CSGO on lan in 2021?
— NA_FANBOY_LULW (@China_numba_2) July 28, 2020
No real plans just yet, but I think most are hopeful by that point, we can figure out a way to get it done.
Do you see it being possible that Nitro goes to faze?
— The God (@OneGodatWar) July 29, 2020
I do not find nitr0 as someone who is willing to live in Europe at this point in his career, so I’m ruling out all options that would have him moving out of the country. Even if we weren’t dealing with a pandemic, I would assume he plays in NA moving forward.
What is going on with kassad?
— TB ?? (@T_BUROS) July 28, 2020
He has had a number of offers from what I’m told, but he is trying to be patient and pick the best option that allows him to coach at the highest level possible. Ultimately, I think we will see him joining a new team within the next month or so.
Why has an org like Team Secret who's successful in Dota 2, never invested into a Tier1 roster in CS?
— appe (@appeBiceps) July 28, 2020
That’s a great question. I don’t know the financials of Dota 2 in particular but it might just be the fact that CS:GO is such a money pit for most organizations. Almost every single one loses money. I don’t have any idea outside of that assumption.
What's the likelihood that astralis becomes es3tag +4 and the main 5 + zonic move to a different org?
— tasty (@tastyzera) July 28, 2020
I don’t think that is very likely. At most, I could see a couple of players leaving eventually to do their own thing with another organization. The issue is that the veteran players are signed for well over a year still, so it would take some kind of blockbuster transfer. Hardly any organization wants to drop that kind of money in this climate, that I’m aware of.
Any updates on the FPX situation? Maybe they could pick up Ze Pug Gods for fairly cheap?
— jitz (@jyeetz_) July 28, 2020
They strike me as a team that wants a more competitive roster than that. The timing of the second season of FLASHPOINT also plays into that type of decision, which I haven’t heard about yet. I would assume they will go for a better team, but we'll see.