Destiny 2 Lucent Blade Mod Explained
By Allan Zeng

The Lucent Blade mod in Destiny 2 is one of the most powerful DPS mods in the game. A Charged with Light mod, it can make an already dangerous loadout even stronger. Today we'll be explaining how to obtain it, and use it.
The Charged with Light mods were released in Season 9, or Season of Dawn. Since the season ended, however, there's been no reliable way to farm Charged with Light Mods. The only way you can get them now is by hoping Banshee-44, the Gunsmith who resides in the tower is selling them. He sells two mods daily, so check in daily or scour social media to check what he has in rotation.
So how does the Lucent Blade mod work?
Destiny 2 Lucent Mod Explained
Lucent Blade is an armor mod that uses arc energy. It has two perks, both of which affect swords, and both of which are extremely useful. The primary mod needs no external conditions to use, and buffs sword damage for 5 seconds. The secondary perk requires another arc mod to be equipped on the armor that has the Lucent Blade mod equipped. It greatly increases the charge rate for the equipped sword, meaning the frequency players can use their heavy attacks is increased considerably. Swords are one of the most popular and powerful weapon archetypes in the current meta, so these perks make the Lucent Blade mod highly desirable. For endgame activities, this mod can be quite meaningful. The extra DPS it dishes out could be the difference between killing a boss and getting wiped out.
The Charged with Light Mods are a powerful addition to the Destiny 2 sandbox that many players are not aware of, and Lucent Blade is a notable example. Hopefully in the future, the acquisition of said mods will be easier, so players can experiment with them even more and create new, unique builds.