Doom Eternal All Toys Reward: How to Complete

What do you get when you find all of the toys in Doom Eternal?
What do you get when you find all of the toys in Doom Eternal? / Photo by id Software

Doom Eternal All Toys Reward is the final collectible toy after you've found the others. There are spoilers for the end of the game, so if you haven't completed Doom Eternal we'll warn you when it's spoiler time.

Doom Eternal All Toys Reward

Toys are hidden throughout the game much like Doom 2016, although this time you're looking for toys of the Doom Slayer and his enemies. There are 30 toys you can find regularly. Here's a more in-depth guide to all the toys and their locations.


The reward for finding all of the toys is actually another toy. this time it's the Icon of Sin, the final boss of the game. You find this toy in the Doom Slayers office after you've collected all the other toys and have completed the game.

There are loads of other secrets in Doom Eternal, so don't just stop at the toys!