Elden Ring Kenneth Haight Quest Guide

Kenneith Haight's quest line in Elden Ring is something of a stumper. The community's commitment to uncovering every secret in the game has worked to resolve nearly every mystery shrouded in the Lands Between, but pieces of Kenneth Haight's quest remain unknown even now. Here's what we know so far about how to complete the quest, and what you can receive if you decide to cut your service short.
UPDATE 3/17/22 12:47 p.m. ET: Elden Ring Patch 1.03 arrived last night and fixed Kenneth's quest line. The rest of this article has been updated to reflect the new content.
Kenneth Haight Quest Line Mystery Explained
To begin Kenneth Haight's quest, you'll have to find him standing among some ruins in Limgrave. The nearest Site of Grace is Mistwood Outskirts. From there, follow the road northeast until you see a huge column lying across the road.
Climb up on top and you'll find Kenneth Haight. Speak to him, and you'll be tasked with clearing out his ancestral seat, Fort Haight, to restore him to power as ruler of Limgrave.
To get to Fort Haight, you can either continue following the road you were on through the Mistwood, or you can cut straight through the woods heading south-southeast. Fort Haight stands on the southeast coast of the region. Fight your way through, and then return to Kenneth where you found him before.
As a reward for your effort, Haight will give you the Erdsteel Dagger. Exhaust his dialogue options and he'll offer to let you into his service. Accept, then return to Fort Haight. It'll be overrun with demi-humans. Clear them out and make your way up the stairs to find Kenneth looking rather forlorn.
At this point, Kenneth's quest line intersects with that of Nepheli Loux, Warrior. You'll need to have completed her quest to reach the end of Kenneth's. If you do, you'll find him in the throne room beyond Godrick the Grafted's arena. If you speak to him, he'll offer once again to knight you back at Fort Haight. As of writing it remains unclear if there are more rewards to be gained from his storyline.
The original final two paragraphs of this guide continue below. The information is no longer up to date.
This is where the quest turns odd. Kenneth will lament the lack of a lord for Limgrave, and say he's embarking on a quest to find one. But no one has managed to find the next step in his quest, if there is a next step. Some players theorize the quest is a remnant of cut content, or will be developed in a future DLC release. For now, there doesn't appear to be anything else to do with Kenneth.
If you're feeling greedy, you can kill him to receive a Golden Seed. Otherwise, that's the end of the line for Kenneth — at least for now.